Nicole's Story - 17 Pounds Lost*, No Longer Prediabetic

*Because everyone is unique, individual results vary.

testimonial_Nicole.jpgI started the Nutrition 4 Weight Loss Program a bit of a skeptic and I ended as a believer! I’ve known about Nutritional Weight & Wellness for many years, hearing their Dishing Up Nutrition program on the radio. I wondered if the Nutrition 4 Weight Loss Program could be any different from other weight loss plans and fully expected that it would just try to sell me something like so many others. After reaching a breaking point with my health, I decided to just try it, and I am so grateful I did. I wasn’t being sold just another weight loss program; instead, I got a new lease on life.

Like so many other people, I’ve struggled some with my weight, healthy eating and moods for most of my life. While it was a struggle, I managed until after my now 3-year-old son was born. When I became pregnant, I was at a good weight. Because I was older (40) and had elevated blood pressure when I conceived, my doctors recommended no exercise and during my third trimester my health took a nose dive. My blood pressure skyrocketed, I couldn’t sleep, I had terrible joint pain and major mood swings. I thought this would all subside after giving birth, but it got worse. About a year ago, my doctor said I had prediabetes. After two years of following a doctor-advised eating plan (whole grains, some veggies, lots of fruit and milk), I knew I had to do something else.

I finally decided to give Nutritional Weight & Wellness a try. It was the best decision! I love the real food approach; I felt incredible after the 12-week program and continue to feel that way. Giving up grains and sugar were critical for me and eating the Weight & Wellness Way, and I don’t even crave grains or sugar. The 12-week result: The redness, puffiness and dryness in my skin is gone. My joint pain disappeared. My allergies are much more under control. Halfway into the class, I had a blood test to check my numbers and my results show I am no longer prediabetic. Additionally, my blood pressure is much more stable. I’ve lost more than 11 inches, 17 pounds* and dropped several clothing sizes. And my moods, let me tell you, I am a much more even-tempered person!

I also appreciate the benefits this program has had on my family. Since I am the family cook, my son and husband eat mostly like I do. My husband has lost 10 pounds and dropped clothing sizes. My son is eating much less pasta and bread which results in better behavior. I love it!

This program has been a life-changer for me. My confidence is back. The old me is back, but an even better version because I have better moods and feel fantastic. I’m no longer afraid of food. I know I can maintain my weight and continue to feel good as long as I eat real food. I’m on a good path, and I plan to continue.


*Most people following the Nutrition 4 Weight Loss Program can expect to lose one pound or more per week, but because everyone is unique, individual results vary.

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