Leah Kleinschrodt, MS, RD, LD


Leah grew up in a family of science and medical professionals, developing an affinity for health at a young age. When she’s not in the office you can find her on the soccer field; she started playing at 9 years old and hasn’t stopped.

Leah’s natural inclination toward health began to falter in college as she fell victim to the low-fat, high-carbohydrate, low-calorie dogma of the time. It didn’t take long for her body to start showing signs of rebellion – poor digestion, intense anxiety and constant cravings. To top it off, two surgeries after 20+ years of athletics left Leah with constant knee pain and convinced that total knee replacements were in the not-so-distant future. Working as a health coach for patients with chronic diseases, Leah realized that a majority of her patients, as well as their doctors, also struggled to determine what proper nutrition was. Recognizing a need, she returned to school to pursue her master’s degree in nutrition.

That’s when Leah found Nutritional Weight & Wellness and began eating the Weight & Wellness Way of real food, in balance. Her body swiftly reacted, with all previously mentioned symptoms disappearing. “Within days of eliminating gluten and dairy from my diet, I was able to squat down to pull dishes out of my low cupboards with no knee pain! I haven’t looked back since.”

Leah continues to be amazed each and every day at the positive impact that nutrition has had on her own health. Knowing how wonderful that feels, she is passionate about helping as many people as she can find their own relief, their own breakthroughs, and their own successes in their journey of health and healing using simple, nutritious foods.

Education and Credentials

Leah is a licensed dietician through the Minnesota Board of Nutrition and Dietetics. She received her bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science from the University of Minnesota, Duluth. Most recently she completed her M.S. in Nutrition from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, which encompassed a wide array of dietetics experiences, and offers the only internship program in the country that provides extensive experience with eating disorders.

Office Locations

Leah sees clients at the Woodbury office or via Zoom.


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Insurance Billed Appointments:

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Or call 651-699-3438 to schedule an appointment.

Read Articles by Leah

Signs of Poor Digestion (+ What You Can Do About It)
5 Steps to Combat Anxiety + 4 Supplements for Added Relief
What is the Microbiome? What Does it Do and How to Keep It Healthy 

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