Eat This, Not That, For Hot Flashes
By Katie Vigesaa, RD, LD
October 7, 2014

Learn which foods are best, and which foods you should think twice about, for avoiding hot flashes. Watch this video:
For information about menopause, listen to our podcast.
About the author
Katie discovered her calling to be a nutrition educator at a young age when a teacher helped her understand the healing powers of food. Preventive nutrition is her passion because she knows that real food is critical for staying well. Katie is a registered dietitian and licensed dietitian through the Minnesota Board of Nutrition and Dietetics. She received her B.S. in food, nutrition and dietetics and a B.S. in exercise science from Concordia College. Katie worked as a clinical dietitian in a transitional care unit (TCU) at Augustana Health Care Center of Minneapolis where she helped patients understand the importance of good nutrition and how food choices affect health.
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