Is a Lack of Self-Care Sabotaging Your Weight Loss?

September 30, 2017

If you have been struggling with your weight, we have a question for you – is it possible that a lack of self-care is the cause of that struggle? It’s not often recognized but we’re sharing some of those self-sabotaging habits that many people have and don’t even realize. Listen in and get inspired for a fresh approach.

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LEA: Welcome to Dishing Up Nutrition. I am Lea Wetzell, certified nutrition specialist and co-host of our show today. Dishing Up Nutrition is brought to you by Nutritional Weight & Wellness, a company that teaches how real food matters when it comes to your health.

SHELBY: I am Shelby Hummel, a licensed nutritionist with a Masters Degree in Applied Clinical Nutrition and I’m so excited to be with Lea on the show this morning. We have a great show planned for you today. If you have been struggling with your weight, or maybe you feel like you just don’t have a metabolism, this show is for you. We’re going to be talking about self-care today. So is a lack of self-care sabotaging your weight loss?

As nutritionists, we often hear, “My significant other sabotages my weight loss, because every Friday night they brings home pizza and I just can’t resist!”

LEA: Another one we hear is, “I just get started on my weight loss plan and my husband brings home a carton of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream, which he knows I can’t resist.”

SHELBY: Or how about another one, “It’s a Saturday morning tradition that my husband goes to the neighborhood bakery and brings home freshly baked caramel rolls.” 

LEA: Yes, it is true that caramel rolls for breakfast can get you off of your weight loss eating plan, but here’s something to think about – is your husband really trying to sabotage your weight loss or is he just trying to be nice to the family? That’s a good question.

SHELBY: Today we are not going to play the blame game. We want to be looking at how you could take ownership of your own health. Listeners, how could you actually be self-sabotaging your own weight loss plan, maybe because of that lack of self-care.

LEA: We talk a lot about this with clients appointments and classes. The old belief of “dieting” where you starve yourself and over-exercise certainly is not respectful of the importance of self-care.

SHELBY: Sadly, there are still weight loss programs today that “blame the victim”, the one who is trying to lose weight. If you are that person, take a step back and ask yourself, “Do I have habits or behaviors that are sabotaging my own weight loss?” I think what habits are holding me back and what habits are moving me forward? Let’s go over some of those self-sabotaging habits that many people have.

LEA: Today we are discussing how the lack of self-care could be sabotaging your weight loss. Should we start with either, these are two important ones, poor sleep habits or skipping meals? Which one do you want to start with?

SHELBY: We talk a lot sleep, so let’s knock that one out first. So poor sleep habits, that’s a self-care habit many people use as a way to sabotage weight loss.

LEA: It’s rare that I sit down with somebody in a consultation and at some point we’re not talking about their sleep habits, because it’s such a crucial part of weight loss as we’ve talked about many times on the show, but often times it’s a problem.

SHELBY: Yes. And lack of sleep also relates to our energy throughout the day. I know, I know, we’ve talked about the lack of sleep on the show, but if you’re listening this morning and thinking “I need some sleep solutions” I want to remind you that we have resources on our website. If you go to you can find those there, you can type in sleep in the search bar, on the top of the homepage, and it will pull up articles and past radio shows on sleep. I know a few weeks back Kara and I talked about some supplements particularly for sleep.

LEA: For people that have problems getting to, or staying, asleep.

SHELBY: Exactly. But I want to give our listeners a little bit of research for sleep, just to help this think “Gosh, this really is important.” Research states that at least 1/3 of adults do not get enough sleep. Think about that. 1 in 3 walking around, kinda like zombies, really sleep deprived. So what is is getting adequate sleep have to do with body fat or having a healthy metabolism?   

LEA: Huge. When we sleep that’s when we’re breaking down body fat and our restorative parts of fat is critical. Yes, we have discussed on previous shows how the lack of sleep slows weight loss and slows brain function. As nutritionists, we have to ask, “Why aren’t you getting at least 7½ hours of sleep most nights?” We understand there can be several reasons, but the one we hear most often, which also happens to be the one you can actually do something about is…poor sleep hygiene or poor sleep habits.

SHELBY: Lea, I’m sure that you have good sleep hygiene, but you have young kids. So 7 ½ hours might be a lofty goal for you sometimes, but I’m sure it’s something you really prioritize?

LEA: Right, I mean having this knowledge of knowing how important sleep is for health and having young kids who don’t sleep, and I don’t have the opportunity to get a good quality night’s sleep, so I know what it feels like to be running off of three, four hours of sleep. It does not feel good, right? Brain fog. I feel more inflamed. I feel my blood sugar is hard to balance out. Hard to manage stress and hard to function when you don’t get sleep.

So, for me, in order to get that sleep that I need to try to etch out that 7 ½ hours of sleep, I force a bedtime on myself. And that ultimately means that I don’t have a lot of downtime at night. I probably go to bed a half hour after my kids. There’s not a lot of me time right now, and I remind myself that this is only temporary. My life will change at some point. They’ll be teens and have nothing to do with me. So you know I respect that, but if I don’t force myself to go to bed early, because I’m a night owl I could easily stay up until 11 or 12 on my natural rhythm, but if I don’t force myself to go to bed at 9 or 10 at night, I’m not going to get enough sleep and I’m not going to be the way I need to be the following morning.

SHELBY: And you’re telling me before the show that Oliver is an early riser, so if you’re not going to bed early!

LEA: He is! He’s up at 5 or 6. No matter what happened that night, he doesn’t care. He’s up and chipper and ready to start breakfast. It’s hard, really hard to make that a priority, but if I don’t, I don’t feel well. Other things start to fall apart, as we’ll talk about.

SHELBY: Some of our clients tell us they sit down, the kids are in bed and they finally got the dishes and the laundry done and they just want to sit down and relax and have some time to relax and maybe watch TV and not have to think about anything. Or maybe they know they have their favorite TV show or news station that comes on and they want to watch these things and just relax, but then they might not even remember what the show is about.

I just had a client a couple weeks ago who was still really struggling with her energy, so I asked her “What time do you have to be up?” She said she had to be up by 6:30, because she has to be to work by 8. But she was getting up at 5 and was dragging through the day, so one of the things we did was ask “Is this a habit that is holding you back? Is poor sleep something that we could work on for the next month, two months even to start to rebuild some of those habits? Because again, if you’re sleep deprived and your energy isn’t great it’s going to be hard to get the food component down.”

LEA: Was she getting up to go work out?

SHELBY: Yeah, she actually got a treadmill and thought that would be great if I could walk on the treadmill in the morning. But her energy was just so low that we are going to take baby steps now. At this point it’s going to be more important for you to get 7 ½ to 8 hours of sleep. And she even said, “Gosh, I feel better when I get 9 hours of sleep” So I said “Well that’s our goal then!”

LEA: And two, for that whole weight loss piece, people often do more so prioritize working out and research really shows that pairing the two exercise or sleep for the weight loss piece of what ultimately wins, is sleep! Your body needs sleep. I put clients to the test and say let’s work out less and sleep more and they lose weight!

SHELBY: And they think “Gosh, is she really telling me that I need to do this?”

LEA: Yeah, “What I really don’t need to get up at 4pm to work out?” Break time!

SHELBY: You are listening to Dishing Up Nutrition. Calling all nurses! If you are a nurse in need of Continuing Education Credits, let me recommend our Weekend Weight and Wellness series. Earn 14.4 CEUs this next weekend, October 6th through October 8th. You will learn how nutrition affects your energy, your digestion, your memory, your cardiovascular health and your moods. The good news is you don’t have to be a nurse to learn all of this valuable information.

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LEA: Welcome back to Dishing Up Nutrition. Here’s a surprising fact I’d like to share. According to a recent Harris Poll, only 1/3 of all Americans cook every day and less than 1/2 of Americans cook a few times per week. Many studies show that when people cook their own meals with fresh ingredients, they are more likely to eat healthier, which can lower their risk of chronic disease. Cooking your own food daily is another self-care habit that we, at Nutritional Weight & Wellness, encourage in every nutrition class and every nutrition consultation. Self-care comes in many forms. We keep coming back to that, that’s a big piece, cooking. As a culture, like I did not grow up in a family that cooked. Everyone is so busy that the more convenience food was what we had to do, because we didn’t have time.

SHELBY: Thankfully I did. Both my parents, my mom is a fabulous cook but my dad also can find him in the kitchen. And that’s one of the great things I took away from that, I was comfortable in the kitchen. And I know a lot of people Lea, they have that lack of self-care of cooking daily because they are uncomfortable and don’t know how to cook things.

LEA: Exactly! I can speak for my own experience, I did not grow up in the kitchen, I was not comfortable in the kitchen and it was a huge learning curve. And to be honest with you Shelby I don’t love cooking. It’s not my favorite thing and it takes me a few times to get a recipe down. And this is something I’ve been working on for 16 years and I keep coming back to it every day, because if I don’t I know again that I’m taking away from that self-care and that would mean we’re not eating good quality food. So it’s an effort for me, still to this day! I’ve talked a lot about this on the show, in classes and consultations about ways that I have tried over the years to make it simpler and easier. It’s something that’s definitely helped me evolve my health for sure, but it doesn’t come natural and that’s a big road block for many people who like me, didn’t grow up cooking or don’t like cooking. The idea of having to go into that kitchen every day and make food can be daunting.

SHELBY: The most challenging thing for me Lea is that I get home at the end of the day and I think “Ok, what do I have that I can make quickly but is still going to be nourishing?” Or if I’m really honest, the biggest obstacle is “How many dishes do I need to clean up after this?”

LEA: Me too! Our dishwasher is constantly running because we’re eating home all our meals. It’s a lot of upkeep and work, but it’s totally worth it. Yes, it is work but it’s really helps us keep on top of our self-care.

SHELBY: So listeners, we are talking about self-care this morning. Lea and I were talking before we went to our break about the importance of sleep and we hear from a lot of clients that getting good quality sleep is not their highest priority when it comes to weight loss. But we want to remind you that sleep is so important. We can recommend our clients be getting to bed by 11 and up by 7 so they’re getting that amount of sleep, but sometimes it just doesn’t happen and then we have to ask the question of why. “Why are you struggling to fall asleep or not making it a priority to going to sleep?” Sometimes they become addicted to those poor sleep habits. Maybe they’re up watching their favorite TV show, or Netflix automatically turns over to another episode, or maybe they’re the book lovers out there and have a hard time putting that book down.

But we have to remember that if you are struggling with a poor sleep habit, it could be related to that addiction pattern. We’ve talked about before that overeating sugar could be related to an addiction. Nicotine or smoking addiction. Alcoholism is an addiction, gambling can be an addiction. But have we talked about that poor sleep habit addiction? Just like other addictions many poor sleep habits stimulate the pleasure center in the brain, when that second or third episode comes on, so we’re increasing the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated, most likely, again and again...

LEA: In the past, the discussion regarding the best way to lose weight always focused on eating less and moving more; however, it’s really not that simple. Not sleeping enough that means less than 7 hours of sleep per night, so anyone in the 6 range or less, research shows that you are increasing your chronic inflammation and can shut down your metabolism. At Nutritional Weight & Wellness, we like to look at research and according to research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, we found when dieters received adequate sleep, half of their weight loss was from body fat, but when dieters slept less than 7 hours the amount of fat loss was cut in half even though they were on the same weight loss eating plan. So there we go!

SHELBY: Both groups eating the same thing, but the only difference between the two groups was that one was getting enough sleep over 7 hours and one was getting less than 7 hours. Wow.

LEA: How many clients do you see that get over 7 hours of sleep?

SHELBY: You know, very few. That’s one of the questions I always ask, and it’s funny because people will often say, “Well it’s never been great.” and then I suggest we start chipping away at that.

LEA: Well the average in America is 6.1 hours. So here we go, the majority of Americans don’t have enough sleep in our lives. In addition, they were hungrier as I talked about earlier when I don’t get enough sleep, the cravings come out and blood sugar isn’t balanced, not really satisfied with their food and lacked the energy to exercise. Here is another noteworthy fact – those who were sleep-deprived experienced a 55% reduction in their ability to lose fat – their body shut down the ability to break down body fat - compared to their non sleep-deprived counterparts. Fat loss is the last thing your body wants to do, it can reserve that and save that again for another time. It’s going to do all these other detoxification, healing and rebalancing things that your body is needing. It’s critical for health and fat loss isn’t going to be a reality when you’re not getting enough sleep.

SHELBY: A priority for you, maybe not so much a priority for your body. How can we impact that?

LEA: Right. And that was compared to the non-sleep deprived counterparts.

SHELBY: That’s really interesting and we’re going to talk a little bit more about sleep, but we’ve got to go to our second break.

You’re listening to Dishing Up Nutrition, brought to you by Nutritional Weight & Wellness, a company providing life-changing nutrition counseling and life-changing nutrition education.

It is very disheartening that we have an opioid crisis in the U.S. which implies we have a chronic pain problem in the U.S. How can you reduce your pain level naturally and avoid the use of opioid type medication? We understand that pain is difficult to deal with, so we want to tell you about 2 nutritional supplements that you may find effective to relieve your pain. The first thing to do; however, is give up sugar, because sugar increases inflammation and inflammation increases pain. When we come back from break, Lea will share 2 natural pain-reducing supplements.


LEA: Welcome back to Dishing Up Nutrition. Many people with autoimmune conditions such as Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis or Polymyalgia have ongoing pain and inflammation as do people who experience back or joint pain. For many, just changing your diet, such as eliminating sugar, gluten, soy and/or dairy can drastically help to reduce body pain. Also, several years ago, Metagenics, a well-known supplement company, developed 2 special products to help people manage their pain naturally. For general pain, they developed Kaprex, which contains a proprietary blend of a special ingredient from hops, rosemary extract and olive leaf extract. Taking 2 to 4 gel caps daily will usually help to lower body pain.

SHELBY: That first one is Kaprex, often used for general pain.

LEA: Right. I often use it for people that will use a lot of anti-inflammatories to manage their chronic pain and there’s a lot of side effects with that. So things like Advil or Ibuprofen. To see if this is not similar in their support.

SHELBY: Absolutely. So for people that are experiencing pain more related to an autoimmune condition, like rheumatoid arthritis, those are the people that would benefit from using that product called Kaprex-AI. Still the same proprietary blend using that hops extract but the Kaprex-AI stands for autoimmune and that targets the underlying inflammatory cause of that autoimmune condition. So we would recommend you take 1-3 of those tablets daily. And I just want to remind people. Giver those products a try but give them a little bit of time. It might take one month, or two months, but I often when looking at products, I give it three months and I say “Ok, after three months, has anything changed for me?”

LEA: Unlike some of the medications some of the natural remedies take time in combination with a balanced, low-inflammatory diet to show those results.

SHELBY: Both of those Kaprex products contain that special pain fighting ingredient found in hops. I want to remind listeners that if you have questions about those supplements or if you wanna see what would be right for you. You can call our office at 651.699.3438 and I’m sure the gals at the front desk would be happy to answer any of your questions.

So Lea, before we went to our second break, we were talking about sleep, so important. It really is! I just wanted to give our listeners another interesting fact is that within just 4 nights of deficient sleep, you may feel exhausted, a little off your game, maybe even spacy and your fats cells feel the same way! It’s called “metabolic grogginess”,

LEA: I love that, you can visualize what that is. A slow, groggy metabolism.

SHELBY: Just floating through the day. It’s actually a term coined by University of Chicago researchers. They say that your fat cells slow down, no surprise, and so does your metabolism.

LEA: To some extent, your fat cells go into hibernation and preserve your body fat. We talk to clients a lot who are eating really well, exercising and just can’t lose weight. And this is definitely part of the puzzle that a lot of people undervalue. This is not good.

If you want to lose weight, the obvious questions to ask are, “Why not change your sleep habits to change your weight?” or “Are you addicted to your poor sleep habits?” The Mayo Clinic has a treatment center to help people stop smoking; Hazelton and Betty Ford Centers help people with alcohol and drug addiction, but I’ve never heard of a treatment center to help people overcome poor sleep habits. As with all addictions, we believe you need to make a commitment to yourself to change your poor sleep habits to change your weight and your life. Can you do that for yourself?

SHELBY: Often times we want to get to the root cause of the problem that root cause of the addiction. Really, listeners the next step is to look at the reason you are always sleep deprived. What part of that habit has become addictive? As nutritionist, we use a multi- pronged approach to the problem. We don’t just say, do this for sleep, do this for energy, do this for weight loss. Everyone is so different, so really what we want to do is put together an individualized plan for people. We know that and understand that it isn’t just a bad habit that’s self-sabotaging your weight loss, but it is an addiction, it’s related to that brain chemistry. That could be what is holding you back from being who you really are, who you really want to be.

LEA: As we talked about, just think about the cycle with it. You don’t get enough sleep, you wake up and you’re tired, you’re groggy and cravings. You’re maybe not as much prioritizing eating well balanced foods and you get to the end of that day and all day not feeling well, maybe using caffeine and sugar to get your body going. Then at the end of the day, you feel deprived. You need me time. I need my own down time, so opposed to going to sleep they wanna have that time to watch TV, because again, that’s stimulating for our brain chemistry to get those highs. Get those good body feelings, but ultimately, it’s a cycle and you don’t get enough sleep and it’s a vicious cycle.

SHELBY: I had to laugh. I’ve told Tyler, time and time again that I get good sleep, not only for me, but because I’m a better person when I’m not sleep deprived. I said “Honey, I’m going to bed early because I wanna be nice to you tomorrow and I don’t want to crabby.” I get good sleep not only for me, but for everyone that I interact with on a daily basis. I’m sure you feel the same way.

LEA: Exactly. For my kids, and for my husband too, I’ll say that. But really now it’s more about the kids. I’m so much more patient and kind and caring when I am well rested.

SHELBY: All things we want to be, patient, kind and caring.

LEA: But it’s wearing, I have an almost 1 year old and almost 5 year old, that’s a lot of energy and attention all day. If I’m not rested that can be very challenging.

SHELBY: Absolutely. So when we’re talking about self-care. We have some other habits we could talk about.

LEA: It’s sad to say, but another self-care habit that many people are missing today in our busy world is eating three meals daily. Ask yourself, “Do I skip breakfast because I have to get the kids off to school or daycare or because I want to sleep an extra 15 minutes or because it’s my way to cut calories?”  Some people think that by doing that, they’ll be able to lose weight better.

SHELBY: “I can eat more later.”

LEA: Or are you the person who skips lunch, because you have too much work to do and work comes before self-care? The old message would have you believing that by skipping breakfast or lunch you would eat fewer calories, so then, of course, you would lose weight. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way.

SHELBY: We’re a little bit more complicated than just calories in and calories out.

LEA: We know skipping a meal on a rare occasion is harmless, but skipping meals on a regular basis has negative health effects for you. Really, we talk about that with clients and see it with clients all the time. But let’s really look into what research has found about skipping meals and weight loss.

SHELBY: You’re listening to Dishing Up Nutrition. If you have been out shopping the past couple of weeks, you must have noticed the Halloween displays with all of the ghosts and goblins and, of course, all of the Halloween candy! I was just looking at my old favorites, I liked the little pumpkins, so I looked at those and I just want to read the ingredients to you – of course sugar, high fructose corn syrup, corn sugar, partially hydrogenated soy bean oil and artificial colors, like yellow-5 and red-3 and of course, artificial flavoring. Would you really feed that to your child, your grandchild or to yourself? As Americans, we buy 600 million pounds of candy for Halloween. I would say that’s a scary thing!

Questions? Call us in studio at 651.641.1071.


LEA: Welcome back to Dishing Up Nutrition. Earlier in the show, I shared that cooking meals at home can potentially reduce your and your family’s risk of developing a chronic health condition. As you know, I am a busy mom with two small kids, working as a nutritionist and actively involved on the Board of Dietetics and Nutrition Practice for the state of Minnesota, as well as a wife and I have friends too. How do I manage to cook most of our meals at home? I make simple meals, really I do, make sure my protein fat and carb are there and that are healthy and taste good. Here is one simple meal I cook often, because my family loves still to this day. I’ve been making this meal for over ten years, is the chili recipe. We’re in that chili time of year and it’s on our website. It’s easy, I usually do a double batch of it.

SHELBY: Do you use pork or beef?

LEA: It varies. I mix it up. It makes a lot and leftovers taste great. everyone likes it and that’s the most important. It’s one of those good things that I have lots of leftovers for lunches or breakfast sometimes. It’s so hearty and great.

SHELBY: We actually have a caller. Good morning, Justin, you have a question for us about sleep?

CALLER: Yes, you said to get at least 7 ½ hours of sleep. I average between 4 to 6 and when I get 7 ½ or 8 or 9 hours I seem to drag the rest of the day. It’s like I get too much sleep. What would cause that?

LEA: That is a good question, it may be having to do with your sleep cycles and your sleep patterns, but in general when we look at studies in relation to sleep, most bodies, but everyone is individual, run really well when we’re getting more towards the 7 ½ hours of sleep per night. Do you wake up feeling rested when you get 4 hours of sleep?

CALLER: For the most part I feel pretty good.

SHELBY: One of things that I’ve experienced too is I used to maybe get 6 hours of sleep and was doing ok for a while, but then if I had a weekend where I could really sleep in than I would almost over compensate and it was almost like my body was just really wanting to shut down and relax and not do anything else. One thing you might try is trying to aim for 7 1/2 right out of the gate, just really prioritize getting 6 hours. And working back 15 minutes and then 6 and 15 minutes and just knowing that it’s not going to change in one week, but consistently getting a little more sleep for your metabolism.

LEA: And your adrenaline, when you’re running on 4 hours of sleep, so there is that that when you try to catch up, there is that lag time of feeling lethargic. But I love that idea, just slowly evolve that and see how your body adjusts. Thanks for the call Justin!

So, I think that we have to get back to the blood sugar before our time ends.

SHELBY: Absolutely, so according to the National Institute of Health, skipping a meal sets you up to binge eat at the next meal. I’ve experienced this myself. Researchers have also found that skipping breakfast is associated with obesity. Lea, tell us a little bit more about why?

LEA: As nutritionists, we understand why this lack of self-care habit of not eating breakfast can lead to overeating at the next meal. It all goes back to your biochemistry. When you skip a meal, your glucose or blood sugar drops below normal and you lose control, because your biochemistry takes over. Here’s what happens – when your blood sugar level is below normal, your brain becomes deficient in glucose. Since our brain needs glucose to operate effectively, when our blood sugar is low, we often lose control and make bad decisions. We tend to eat something that’s high in sugar to over compensate. Or bagel, or muffin or cinnamon rolls or we eat uncontrollably until our blood glucose is rebalanced and we feel “normal” again.

SHELBY: When your blood sugar is low, when it’s lower than that normal that’s where people start to rummage through the kitchen. I remember that nighttime eating when I’d go from something salty to something sweet.

It’s frustrating, but you get into that cycle to balance your blood sugar. Just like some of those humorous candy bar commercials on TV, we are not often ourselves when our blood sugar is low. We have foggy thinking, we’re irritable, we lose our energy – we need a quick pick me up. It might be a candy bar with 8.5 teaspoons of sugar or maybe a 20 oz. soda with over 16 teaspoons of sugar. Just think …these sugar cravings all started with skipping one or two meals.

LEA: I totally get it, because at times I am also challenged with being able to eat breakfast myself as I am dealing with getting 2 young children off to daycare. Oliver is almost 5 and Lucy is almost 1, so there’s making sure Oliver and nurse Lucy and feed her and it’s a process – and feed myself! My husbands on his own and he does a good job with it. Here’s some tricks that I think are really helpful when you don’t have the time in the morning, protein shakes!

I always make up several protein shakes ahead of time and I freeze them. I take one out at night and put it in the refrigerator. That is really quick breakfast when I don’t have time and need to eat. And that’s not for everyone. But here are some easy ideas.

Make up 4 deviled eggs and eat them with 10 grapes. It’s quick finger food. Or, I love my crockpot, that’s a lifesaver for me, so I’ll cook up a roast or grill extra chicken breasts, then I cut them up into bite size pieces. Grilling extra hamburger or turkey patties would work well, too that you can eat easily when you’re trying to multitask. Eat that with some sweet potato and butter, butter, butter.  

I don’t skip breakfast, I don’t have a lot of time in the morning, but I make that a priority to eat.

SHELBY: I just want to put out an idea, if your kids or your loved ones were having to practice self-care, you would do anything you could to set them up for good health. So I want to remind our listeners that your self-care is important to. You can’t take care of other people when you’re not feeling your best.

LEA: This was a great show Shelby. Next week, be sure to tune into Dishing Up Nutrition to hear Brenna and Kate talk about Nutrition for ADHD.

Our goal at Nutritional Weight & Wellness is to help each and every person experience better health through eating real food. It’s a simple, yet powerful message. Eating real food is life-changing.

Thanks for tuning in today!

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