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Call 651-699-3438 to book a nutrition counseling appointment. Our nutrition counselors take a personalized approach to help you achieve your goals.
*Because everyone is unique, individual results vary.
Growing up, Jon never really had to worry about his weight, with a fast metabolism he could eat anything he wanted. That changed after he retired in his 60’s, when his lifestyle became more sedentary with more “power lounging,” and he noticed his pants were starting to get tight. When he went to his physical, he was the heaviest he’d ever been and he became frustrated and depressed. His wife suggested making an appointment with a nutritionist at Nutritional Weight & Wellness, since she had a friend who had success and highly recommended them.
Jon made a nutrition counseling appointment with Wendy O’Brien, RD, LD, and she “absolutely blew my mind.” Determined to lose weight, he was committed to the eating plan that Wendy established for him. He stuck to the plan religiously, and within just a couple months, he had reached his weight and waist size goals and then surpassed those goals within four months.
Wendy taught Jon to stay away from sugary carbohydrates at breakfast, and to eat balanced meals and snacks with plenty of protein, healthy fats and vegetable carbohydrates. By eating this way, Jon has more energy than he’s had in years, and has less aches and pains. According to him, “[the eating plan] was so easy. You don’t have to count calories or points. If you are committed, this is the best way to lose weight that I can imagine.”
Since reaching his goals, Jon said, “I feel so much better about myself. I was shamed in my youth that it wasn’t OK to be overweight. I never had to be concerned about my appearance before.” Besides feeling more confident in his appearance, Jon’s energy is off the charts and when he does get tired, it’s not the same worn out feeling he had before.
“I’ve been on diets before and they only work for a while before you bounce back,” Jon said. “By far, this was the best step to take. Wendy opened my eyes to so much about the food industry. People don’t know how to shop for healthy food. It was such an education about how I was eating; that’s what I was lacking before.”
Jon was able to lose weight, decrease his aches and pains, and improve his mood and energy by eating real food in balance. Get your own success story going by signing up for an in-person or by phone nutrition consultation and be on your way to better health!
Find more tips and advice on how you can lose weight and keep it off in these additional articles and podcasts:
You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Lose Weight
Why Can’t I Lose Weight? A Nutrition Educator’s Answer
Real Food for Weight Loss