Nutrition for Parkinson's

September 30, 2018

Parkinson’s disease is a complex neurodegenerative disorder without a cure that affects nearly 1 million Americans with 60,000 people diagnosed every year. In today’s Dishing Up Nutrition, we are discussing how you can protect your cells and immune system from damage to help prevent you from getting Parkinson’s disease. We will also discuss the importance of nutrition and how nutrition can both prevent and calm some of the symptoms.

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DAR: Welcome to Dishing Up Nutrition. This show today is brought to you by Nutritional Weight & Wellness and our topic for discussion is nutrition for Parkinson's. I'm Darlene Kvist, I've been a certified nutrition specialist and a licensed nutritionist since 1996. So, over the past 20 years, I worked with hundreds of clients. But honestly, in all those years I've only worked with just a few clients with Parkinson's disease. It is interesting to note that Parkinson's disease affects almost 1 million people in United States, but 6 million worldwide, which is interesting. And I think it's even more shocking that every year 60,000 people are diagnosed with Parkinson's and I think that number is increasing every year. So, when I was preparing for this show I couldn't decide if we should talk about how we can prepare our clients and our client's immune systems to protect us and them from Parkinson's disease. Or hey, should we talk about nutrition, how it can help to calm down some of those symptoms. So I decided it was important to do both and we actually need a longer show for this and we may run over time. So, possibility just hang in there with us. Because this neurodegenerative disorder is very complex and we want to explain how nutrition can be useful both to preventing this disorder and to reduce some of the symptoms. I have the pleasure of working with two cohosts this morning. They're going to keep me together. First, I’d like to introduce Lea Wetzel. She's been on the show many times and she's a licensed nutritionist with a master's degree in nutrition and has been practicing nutrition therapy for eleven years. And I know that her clients appreciate her knowledge. I hear it all the time. And her ability to listen and understand what they're going through. Lea, we both understand that Parkinson's disease is a very complicated neurodegenerative disease. And honestly at this point there is no cure. That's kind of shocking and kind of sad. So as a nutritionist, I want to start our discussion by talking about what we can do to protect ourselves from the damage so that we can avoid getting Parkinson's or another neurological or neurodegenerative disease. How can we actually protect ourselves?

LEA: It’s great to be here with you this morning. And I totally agree that we really need to talk about the importance of a strong cell membrane and really underline that that's why this is so important.

DAR: And that's something really I don't think even people think about.  How do you protect that cell membrane or how do you keep yourself healthy?

LEA: Your first line defense. Also, I'd like to introduce our other cohost today. Joining us today is Britni Thomas and she is a registered and licensed dietitian and she's been practicing nutrition for the past seven years. Britni, what are some common symptoms that people with Parkinson's disease experience?

BRITNI:    Good morning. Parkinson's disease is a type of movement disorder and it happens when nerve cells in the brain don't produce enough of the brain chemical dopamine.

DAR: So that's kind of interesting, Britni. It's like your brain cells, your nerve cells are not producing enough dopamine.

BRITNI:  And that's when those dopamine levels become very low that people start to begin to see those Parkinson symptoms.

DAR: We talk about dopamine and a lot of our classes, don't we? So low dopamine is also associated with addiction, depression, eating disorders, low energy, low focus. I mean we could go on and on. Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter that affects both our bodies’ movements and our behavior, just this little chemical.

BRITNI: It's amazing. And when those nerve cells in the brain don't produce enough of the brain chemical called dopamine, symptoms often begin to appear. And frequently, the symptoms will start just showing up on one side of the body and then as the disease progresses later, both sides of the body might be affected.

LEA: A person with Parkinson's may start with trembling hands or maybe trembling legs or trembling jaw or arms. There may be stiffness of the legs or stiffness in the arms and the trunk of the body movement is slowed and poor and coordination start to show up.

BRITNI: As symptoms began to worsen, people often have trouble walking, talking or even just doing simple everyday tasks like cleaning or cooking. And then later people may have trouble swallowing, speaking, and then the depression really sets in for them.

DAR: So, Parkinsons usually begins around the age of 60, but it has really been known to start much earlier. It is more common in men than women. And since there is no cure for Parkinson's thus far, as a nutritionist, I thought, how can I protect my brain from this neurodegenerative disease and this damage that is occurring? So, here's an interesting study that was reported in the International Journal of Neurotoxicology in the year 2000 that found that chronic exposure to some very common pesticides significantly increases the risk of Parkinson's disease. Now, think about this. This study was done 18 years ago, and I don't see it being flashed across the TV screen or it's not front page news, but it should be.

LEA: And, really, Dar, you growing up on a farm as a young one, did you realize the typical type of large scale farming is one of the most dangerous occupations you can have really as a farmer using these chemicals because of the large exposures to these chemicals?

DAR: Well, it's really interesting. I think my dad didn't believe in doing any of these chemicals. I mean I think all of our neighbors believed in them, but he didn't and so we didn't get that exposure, which now as I look back, I think he was really so knowledgeable, so ahead of his time that I thank him.

LEA: Working with a few of my Parkinson's clients myself, unfortunately a lot of them have been farmers. And some of them have realized that maybe some of their chemical exposures, specifically there was talk about RoundUp being maybe one of the reasons why they developed the condition. And they’ve stopped.

DAR:  So, it's interesting. Just before we started the show today, you were talking about going to a seminar to learn more about this.

LEA: Glyphosate, which is the active chemical in RoundUp.

DAR: And that it isn't just farmers being exposed to.

LEA: Right. So, the largest consumption of RoundUp, this glyphosate, is commercial use. So, it's what we're buying at Menards or Home Depot and we're using this to spray weeds on our lawns or on our crops. Maybe we have a garden. So that's where RoundUp makes most of its sales. We think a lot about the farming piece, which is critical and important, but it's unfortunately all around us.

DAR: But, you know what? My neighbors have a service that comes out and I know that's what's being sprayed on their lawns, so I don't let my dogs walk on their lawns.

LEA: So, I live in the heart of the city and I lived next to a complex. And the complex used to spray their lawn and we basically share our yards together. And the community last year went together and had the building stop using the RoundUp on the lawn because they have the beehive on the roof and the U of M wouldn’t allow them to have the beehive if they had RoundUp on the line. So, I was very happy because my kids would go and it's only a couple feet away from us. And so, we know it's hard to avoid these exposures.

DAR:   I think one of the other places that we should caution people about is the golf course. And they don't even realize that they're getting exposed. And some of my clients have quit golf golfing because of that.

LEA: I have clients I've talked to you about that too.

DAR: Okay, we'll get on with the show.

LEA: Alright. So, in 2005, the report, the environmental working group or also knows EWG found that DDT is still in the umbilical cords of babies even though this chemical was banned decades earlier. This clearly shows the effects of toxic pesticides are long lasting and sadly this toxic chemical may be with us for another hundred years and continue to affect our health. Just think of it. 60,000 more cases of Parkinson's every year.

DAR: Wow. The residue stays for a long time.

LEA: Before we get onto any more details on this, we’ve got to go to break. You're listening to Dishing Up Nutrition and today we are discussing nutrition for Parkinson's disease. There is no cure at this time for this complicated neurodegenerative disease, but as with all chronic conditions, food makes a difference. Certain foods seem to increase symptoms while certain foods calm symptoms. Stay tuned as we share valuable information about the foods that can calm Parkinson's symptoms.


DAR: Well, welcome back to Dishing Up Nutrition. We have a saying. The more we know, the better we do, which certainly fits if you or a family member has Parkinson's disease. I really recommend an individual nutrition therapy appointment and there's a couple of great books about this. The first book is Grain Brain by Dr. David Perlmutter and the second book is Food: What the Heck Should I Eat by Dr. Mark Hyman. Both contain very useful information that you can actually apply. So, when you look at all the research about Parkinson's, your food choices seem to have the most impact on the disease, which I thought was really critical to think about as a nutritionist. And of course, as a nutritionist, I'm totally passionate about nutrition and the power of nutrition. So, I have to agree with these two doctors because they see the power of nutrition.

BRITNI:   And here at Nutritional Weigh & Wellness, we're also really passionate about educating people about nutrition. So, the more they know, better they get.

So, back to talking about Parkinson's. I'm sure many of you at this point are thinking “How can I actually protect myself?” And one way I always think of things is we can't control everything we're are exposed to so control what you can and one thing you can control is eating more organic fruits and vegetables, which will lower your exposure to those pesticides. In the environmental working group, they rank fruits and vegetables as either having the most or the least amount of pesticide residue. And this is something we talk a lot about in our Weight & Wellness class series. And so they call it the dirty dozen and that is the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables. And then the clean 15 has the lowest traces of pesticides.

DAR:  And so, Britni, can you think of one on the dirty dozen just off the top of your head.

BRITNI: Berries, like strawberries. Typically, those kind of thinner-skinned fruits and vegetables.

LEA: And one thing I always like to note with their testing system is that in their labs, what they do every year is power wash these vegetables and fruits better than you could ever do at your house. Because people think, “Well, I'll just kind of wash it off,” if they're getting the non-organic. And then they test the produce. It's what residues are left after cleaning and they cleaned it as best as we could ever clean it. So that's a good note when you're making your choices.

DAR: So, here's another interesting fact is that I don't know how many people are aware that the average potato has more pesticides by weight than any other produce. So if you're going to eat potatoes, we highly recommend buying organic potatoes. Now bring it back more. Think of all the French fries children are eating every week at fast food restaurants. Are those potatoes organic? No. So, for many children and adults, that alone is certainly a high exposure to pesticides. So maybe that's a reason to say, “No, we're not going to stop and get French fries today.” You gotta be strong.

LEA:  You got to have reasons to avoid that drive through. It's tempting.

BRITNI: And the oils, too, which we’re going to talk about.

LEA:  Yeah, and here's some startling information. A single sweet bell pepper contains 15 different pesticides. Fifteen different pesticides in one pepper. Collard greens and other leafy greens are also of high concern because tests have found high levels of pesticides and insecticides with them as well.

BRITNI:  And once these chemicals and pesticides are in our body, they have been linked to Parkinson's, cancer, autism. I mean the list can go on and on. So, our recommendation to you is eat as organic as you possibly can.

LEA: Yes. And start with that listing that the environmental working group gives out every year. It's right on their website. And this is a journey I have taken, too, with my food of transitioning to organics. I didn't do it overnight. And so, wherever your budget is and your dollars are, that's where you start looking at those dirty dozen and those are the ones you'd want to focus on if you can't do it all.

DAR: So, bell peppers and potatoes. Good place to start. So, I want to take us up a notch in our thinking. So, how these harmful chemicals, what do they do in our cells and how do we protect our cells and get strong membranes so the inside of our cells are protected? So that's what we want to kind of go to next.

LEA:  So here it comes. Here's some simple biochemistry that we teach in our Weight & Wellness class series. We want you to understand that each and every cell in your body has a membrane around it. That's a membrane made up of fat. So think of it like a fat layer around the outside of our cells.

DAR: That's a great explanation, Lea. So, here's something also interesting is one half of your cell membrane is made of saturated fat and we get that like from butter or coconut oil. And then one fourth of your cell membrane is made up of mono unsaturated fat, and we think of like avocado oil or olives or olive oil, and then one fourth of the membrane is made up of polyunsaturated fat from things like nuts, almonds, pecans, walnuts, any of those. The saturated fat is really critical for strong, protective cell membranes because they make up the structure of the cell membrane. So they keep the cells strong.

LEA:So, we need a lot of saturated fat to have strong membranes. What you're saying, right?

DAR: That’s what I'm saying. So, if you have strong cell membranes, that doesn't allow damaging chemicals to get into the cell, that kind of come up to the cell and they bounce right back.

LEA: Yeah. If you think of fat, pretty dense, can't get through it.

DAR: So, listeners, think of your cell membranes as a protective bubble around your cells that won't allow bad stuff to get in. That's our first step.

BRITNI: Good visual. And we recently learned that an essential fatty acid for strong membranes is also GLA, or Gamma Linolenic Acid. And GLA, it's a fatty acid supplement and it can help improve skin health, strengthen nails, enhance hair growth in addition to, again, helping to make that strong cell membrane for us.

LEA: And so, we need a lot of these basic healthy omega six, right? This is in the omega six category which often gets a lot of bad rap for being not good for us, but there's healthy forms like this. And we need, as we talked about with Ann Louise Gittleman a few weeks ago on the show, which was a great show. Listeners, you can get that on our website if you haven't heard of it, but four to one. So, a ratio of four Omega-6 healthy essential fat to one Omega-3.

DAR:  Which was a lot of new information for a lot of people. So today we've talked about two important protective factors. Avoid chemical exposure as much as possible. And by eating organic fruits and vegetables, I mean that's a great place to start. And protect your cells from chemical damage with strong cell membranes through eating healthy, beneficial fats. But when you eat refined oils such as corn oil or soybean oil or cottonseed oil or canola oil, you negatively affect your cell membrane. These bad fats actually leave little holes in your cell membranes. So, then the damaging chemicals can get in and damage your DNA. It damages the Mitochondria, which is your energy furnace. So low energy. So are you kind of starting to see why we need to cook with butter, coconut oil, avocado oil and avoid using soybean oil, corn oil, and canola oil. So, listeners, look in your cupboard and see what you're cooking with. And then, one of the things that I always tell my clients is if you are asked out for breakfast, tell them to cook your eggs and butter. Otherwise they're probably going to use a bad fat.

LEA: You're listening to Dishing Up Nutrition. Perhaps no other brain boosting molecule has received as much attention as Omega-3 DHA in the past several months. We know that two thirds of the human brain is fat and one quarter of that fat is DHA. This fatty acid plays many roles in brain health. After break we will discuss DHA in more details. We will be right back.


BRITNI: Welcome back to Dishing Up Nutrition and our discussion today about Parkinson's disease before break, Lea was sharing information about the supplements Omega three, DHA. Now, I'd like to share a little bit of research. This comes from the memory improvement with DHA study. And in this study there were 485 people all with mild memory problems. And after supplementing with DHA, derived from marine micro algae for six months, their memory improvement was roughly equivalent to having learning and memory skills of someone three years younger. That's pretty drastic in just six months. So DHA, it helps with the function of the brain cells. At Nutritional Weight & Wellness, we believe DHA derived from a micro algae source is highly beneficial for brain function. So we recommend taking 400 to 600 milligrams a day. So, anything to do with the brain, this can be really helpful for that. And the micro algae-sourced DHA and all of the other supplements we've recommended today are available on our website, and we have free shipping, which is wonderful. Also available at all seven of our office locations around the twin cities here in Minnesota.

LEA: So, Dar, if you had a client with Parkinson's, as far as DHA supplementation, what would you make as far as a recommendation or what have you done?

DAR: Oh, well, at least 600 milligrams of DHA, at least. And then I have them eat a couple of eggs because organic eggs, eggs from chickens that are out in the pasture. They have about a hundred milligrams of DHA per egg. So, then you're getting a couple more hundred. So that's a great idea.

LEA: And choline and all these other brain boosting giants, vitamin A and D. So that's a good idea. And all that good fat for your brain. So today we've been talking about Parkinson's and back to our topic at hand. I have to share this research, too, that was published 10 years ago in the Journal of Movement Disorders. This 2008 research found that people who had the lowest LDL cholesterol, often referred to as the “bad cholesterol,” were at the increased risk of Parkinson's by about 350 percent. So again, these clients that had really low “bad” LDL cholesterol had 350 percent increased risk for Parkinson's. In the Book Grain Brain, Dr. David Perlmutter, said “When cholesterol levels are low, the brain simply doesn't work well and individuals are at a significant increased risk for neurological problems as a consequence.”

DAR: And he's a neurologist. A well-known neurologist. And has some personal investment because of his dad in this topic. So, you're hearing it both from a clinical point and from a personal point.

LEA: So, we need that good cholesterol for a healthy brain.

BRITNI:Yes, absolutely. Just yesterday I had a client and she was told to try to get her cholesterol as low as absolutely possible, which is scary. And there's lots of research about how that too low of cholesterol really negatively affects us. And, Dr Perlmutter goes on to say that LDL cholesterol is not the enemy like we've been told. And the problem actually occurs when we're eating a lot of carbohydrates and then that leads to an oxidized LDL. So, to explain this a little bit further, the excess sugar, processed carbs, breads, pastas, crackers, that leads to oxidized LDL molecules, and that's going to reduce their capacity to deliver cholesterol to your brain cells. And that might cause your brain function to really, really suffer. So yes, our brain needs cholesterol.

DAR:  Yep, fat and cholesterol. Exactly. So, protecting our brain cells from damage is so complex and unfortunately, we'd have to run into the next show to explain it all. So, one of the things that we have already talked about is certainly people need to have sufficient vitamin D. And Lea, you just talked about DHA, Omega-3 DHA. These are great things for your brain and we just have to just keep going and talk about this more in detail. And so, let's go now to the next part where we want to talk about what do you eat to help to reduce some of these symptoms?

LEA: We understand that Parkinson's is a movement disorder, but it's a lack of movement or constipation that is the most troublesome for many Parkinson's patients. So sometimes constipation is the first symptom experienced by a person with Parkinson's. And my recommendation for this lack of movement in your intestinal tract and bowels and other shaky or stiff movements is to reduce, stop, and eliminate sugar and grains from your diet. That's a huge step. And what I find with a lot of Parkinson's patients that these are the foods that they want to eat. They crave these foods. And so, it's a big step. It's a hard one, but it's a critical one and it's where I've seen some of the most benefit with reduction of symptoms in relation to Parkinson's.

DAR:  Which, as we were reading more of the research, putting this show together, that one of the first symptoms is constipation. And we don't know for sure that afterwards, once they've been diagnosed, constipation is a big issue for a lot of people with Parkinson's.

LEA: And sugar and processed grains, so we're talking cereals and bagels and breads, pasta. They're all high sugar, inflammatory for everyone, but in relation to the issues with bowel, it can drive more of that issue. More constipation.

BRITNI: We see a lot of clients with constipation, a lot. But I always, always tell them, make sure they're drinking enough water, eight to 10 glasses a day, hydrate that colon, and then you also really want to be avoiding those dehydrating beverages. So one cup of coffee, totally fine, but six to 10, no, that's just too much and really dehydrating. Of course pop, throw that out the window. But here's some other practical ways to prevent that constipation. So, Lea mentioned cereal. That’s constipating. So, starting your day with cereal is only gonna make things worse. Switch to eggs, sauté some spinach in there, use coconut oil or butter to sauté that spinach, so it'll add just a good amount of fiber in there. You get that beneficial fat. And then some foods that are really constipating: cheese. I know that's sad for people to learn. Bananas, apples. All constipating foods.

DAR:When I've worked with clients with Parkinson's, constipation has always been one of their first concerns. So, in addition to eating eggs or meat and vegetables sautéed in butter or coconut oil, I recommend that they supplement with a probiotic bifido bacteria two or three times a day. The more the better. And at bedtime take a different probiotic called acidophilus. And that seems to balance out and help a lot of people.

LEA: Well, it makes a lot sense, too, Dar, because if we know in the colon there's a lot of bifido bacteria, it's the major bacteria, so it really, really helps with that regularity to make sure you have the right type of bowel movements. And my go-to for constipation is to add on top of that four to eight capsules of mixed magnesium and this mixed magnesium has some citrate, which is good for regularity and bowel movements. Then glycinate, which is really highly absorbable, which is good for our muscles and relaxation of our colon. You could start with two to three per day, usually have them taken at bedtime and increase if necessary. And if you get too much magnesium you'll get loose stool. So that's not recommended if you’re going a little bit too much. So, mixed magnesium is very helpful for getting a good night's sleep, as well.

DAR: And I think that's the other thing that people with Parkinson's disease sometimes struggle with is their sleep. So, you get a twofer.

LEA:They tend to have lighter states of sleep, like they don't get good, deep sleep. And the magnesium is a great support for that.


DAR: Well, welcome back to Dishing Up Nutrition. As we mentioned before in the show, Parkinson’s disease is a very complicated neurodegenerative disease and symptoms vary greatly in from one person to another. Everybody has different symptoms. One thing we know for sure is food matters when it comes to calming the symptoms of Parkinson's. That's a big step for people to think about. And, of course, I encourage an individual nutrition therapy appointment for anyone suffering from this disease. So, call 651-699-3438 to set up a personal two-hour consultation.

LEA:  Well, on break we had a caller question. And her question was, is safflower oil good or bad? Now, it's a fragile oil and so we often recommend if you're going to use safflower oil that it would be in its best form, which is an unrefined or expeller-pressed form. And we talk about a certain mayo called Hain mayo that has that expeller-pressed safflower in it. And I would say that's an acceptable oil for mayo to use. I wouldn't cook with it. It's too fragile for that. And make sure it’s expeller pressed. You want to make sure that if you're going to generally use it, that it's an expeller-pressed form.

Now they’ve come up with better options for Mayo, using avocado oil as the base of the fat, which we've been all pretty impressed with. And we were talking about different brands. And you mentioned a couple.

BRITNI: There's Chosen Foods brand, they sell that at Costco. Primal Kitchen is a brand, Sir Kensington. I did see, I don't remember which name brand, but one of the major ones they said they had an avocado oil, but when you looked at the back it was soy bean oil with a little bit of avocado oil. It’s a really good lesson to be reading the ingredient list.

LEA:  You have to be that investigator.

DAR:  So, before we went on break, we were talking about constipation. So, Britni, you have some other ideas here.

BRITNI: I do. So if you need a stool softener, and a lot of people do, especially if they're on medication, that's a major, major side effect. So, a trick I learned several years ago is that vitamin C is an excellent stool softener. So, using it in a powder form, I would suggest just starting with one teaspoon, put it in water, and then you can add more or less depending on what you need to have a daily, well-formed bowel movement.

LEA: A teaspoon of our powder would be about 4,000 milligrams, which is a high level, but often needed for something like this condition. Other people get lots of diarrhea, so sometimes starting with a half a teaspoon, teaspoon, work your way up and see where you need.

DAR:  We understand there's much more to this topic than we have time for today. I mean there's so much more information. So each person who has Parkinson's have different symptoms and the right diet for them may not be the right diet for the next person with Parkinson's. So, we have to individualize it. However, there is research that definitely points to eliminating sugar and grains for better brain function, particularly for those with Parkinson's disease. And really for most people. Eliminating sugar and grains.

LEA: So, what are you going to eat? Well, eat vegetables rather than grains. Limit your carb intake to 30 to 60 grams per day. Think of that like six to nine cups of vegetables throughout the day. Eat adequate protein several times a day. And eat two teaspoons of healthy, beneficial fats with every meal, maybe even more. Maybe even more like one tablespoon, two tablespoons with Parkinson's. In every snack, too, a protein, vegetables, lots of good healthy fats for healthy body and brain. Think about it. Since our brain is 60 to 70 percent fat and since Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disease, it makes sense that when it comes to your diet, eat fewer carbs and more healthy fats, particularly avoid processed carbs. Man-made, all those things.

DAR:  Yes. So, you can eat vegetable carbs and even sometimes people have to limit those a little bit.

LEA: And lots of saturated fat, which is a new thing for some people like lots of butter, lard, and coconut oil. So, really good for the brain.

BRITNI:  Makes it easier to eat the vegetables. One question we get a lot is what oils to cook with. And it's confusing, really confusing. So we've all heard olive oil is great, really good for us, but it has a relatively low smoke point around 350 degrees. And the smoke point is the temperature at which the chemical composition will actually change. And you see that happening, it'll actually smoke, it'll burn, you'll see it turn brown. So we want to prevent that. Otherwise you lose the benefits.

DAR: And that actually turns into a free radical that damages the cells.

LEA:   So, on the stove top that's looking like medium, low heat typically. And just keeping it  for salad dressing use.

DAR: I think there's been just a lot of confusion on that. There has a lot of people do cook with olive oil and they are cooking at too high a temperature with olive oil. So, what can they use alternatively?

BRITNI:  So, coconut oil is great. That has a higher smoke point. So that works well for medium, medium high. Butter, as well. Ghee, which is clarified butter that has an even higher smoke point. Avocado oil, you can really use that for that high heat. And it's liquid. So it's an easy, right away substitute for olive oil.

DAR: So, one of the things when I'm making vegetables, and I love to sauté vegetables. More the better in my pan, but I use three different oils. I use ghee, I use coconut oil, and avocado oil. And it comes out tasting so good. So, I challenge people to try that. It makes it so easy. And we eat more vegetables when they taste good.

LEA: Oh yeah. We have a CSA this year and we get a lot of vegetables. My kids wouldn't normally eat like collards, for example, but I put a bunch of good healthy fats. I use avocado oil and I'll roast them and make them crispy. They munched them right down with the fats and a few seasonings and vegetables can be really tasty.

DAR:  So, I don't know if we have time to kind of think in terms of if a person is working with someone who has Parkinson's disease or if they have it themselves, what can they eat? When we're thinking in terms of breakfast, because we got to get things going right for breakfast, I always recommend a couple of eggs with some meat and some sautéed spinach or kale or something. So that helps to relieve constipation. And cook that in a good, healthy oil like coconut oil or butter.

LEA: Our goal at Nutritional Weight & Wellness is to help each and every person experience better health through eating real food. It's a simple, yet powerful message. Eating real food is life changing. Thank you all for listening today and have a wonderful day.

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