Omega 7 + Omega 3 = Omega 10 Explained

By Jackie Cartier
July 25, 2017

We’d like to introduce a new product on the shelves of Nutritional Weight & Wellness, OmegaGenics Mega 10; a unique combination of omega-7 and omega-3 fatty acids. We don’t know of anything like it on the market.

omega3.jpgIn a nutshell, it’s a more complete omega formula for heart health. It delivers a powerful combination of pharmaceutical-grade omega-7 (fats from refined sea buckthorn) and omega-3 (fats from anchovies) fatty acids to provide targeted, enhanced support for overall cardiovascular and metabolic health.

While you are probably familiar with omega-3, you may be wondering what omega-7 is and why it’s important. Omega-7 is a monounsaturated fatty acid (omega-3 is polyunsaturated), and it can help improve symptoms of insulin resistance and cardiovascular inflammation by:

  • Counteracting insulin resistance: Helps muscles become more insulin sensitive and improves pancreatic production of insulin.
  • Reducing inflammation of the arteries: Lowers C-Reactive Protein (CRP), a blood marker of inflammation and reduces plaque in the arteries which helps reduce inflammation all over the body.  
  • Lowering cholesterol: Can help lowers triglycerides and help increase HDL and lower LDL.
  • Supporting weight Loss: Can improve fat metabolism by helping your body use fat for energy instead of storing it  and help prevent the creation of new fat molecules, and decrease appetite.

So what is the best way to get more omega-7? Our answer always and forever will be FOOD first. Which begs the question, which foods are high in omega-7? Good news, some of our favorites!

  • Macadamia nutsarticle_healthyeating_avocado.jpg
  • Lard
  • Butter
  • Fatty fish: anchovies, herring, salmon, mackerel
  • Avocado

However, unless you are cooking with lard, butter and eating fatty fish daily (we know not everyone loves to eat sardines)  it’s almost impossible to get enough omega-7 into your system. That even includes people eating the Weight & Wellness Way. People eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) are likely getting much, much less. With that in mind, supplements like OmegaGenics Mega 10 are created to help us fill in the gaps of a healthy diet.

Please note, even though OmegaGenics Mega 10 has both omega-3 and omega-7, it does not have enough omega-3s to fully replace your daily dose of omega-3 fish oil. Just think of it as an added bonus. As a reminder, omega-3 is truly important for every body because it’s an essential fatty acid that is critical for brain health and for reducing inflammation.

Who Could Benefit from Mega 10

You might consider taking this if you’ve been eating the Weight & Wellness Way (the real food trio of protein, fat and carbs, five to six times a day) and you’re stuck at a plateau with weight loss. Or maybe you struggle with always feeling hungry? Omega-7 can help reduce appetite by triggering a strong release of cholecystokinin (CCK), a hormone that tells your brain, "I'm full and satisfied." If you are trying to improve your HDL and LDL cholesterol numbers, this supplement might be beneficial by reducing inflammation in your blood vessels and supporting appropriate cholesterol production in your liver.

If these reasons resonate with you, our nutritionists suggest taking two capsules, two times a day. Any time works, taking them together, apart, right before bed, whenever works for you. Give the supplement a few months to work before determining results.

For more individualized support, since everyone is different, we always encourage a one-on-one nutrition consultation with one of our nutritionists or dieticians.

To learn more about the benefits of omega-3 check out these resources:

About the author

Jackie Cartier is Content Strategy Manager for Nutritional Weight & Wellness. She was once a client, seeking natural solutions to her achy runner knees and hormonal imbalances. From then she was hooked and eventually ended up on their team, spreading the real food message on the blog and through social media. 

View all posts by Jackie Cartier


I have cronic pancreatitis can I still take this omega 10?
July 25, 2017 at 8:54 pm


Yes, you can still take it. 

Where can I get this Omega-7,Omega-3 supplement in Toronto Ontario Canada
August 5, 2017 at 10:07 am


Sorry, we aren't familiar with any suppliers in the Toronto area. 

Can you take omega 3 and omega 7 together?
November 28, 2017 at 12:27 pm



You can take as much Omega-3 as you need, or typically take Omega-3 and then 1-2 capsules of the OmegaGenics Mega 10. (which is the omega-7 supplement)

Is there any side effects if I take too many omega 7 like more than 210mg per day?
June 6, 2018 at 9:37 am


More than 210 mg is safe. There’s 210 mg in one of the Mega 10 capsules and you could take 4 of the Mega 10 capsules. 

Does Omega 3 and Omega 7 have two different functions. It sounds like you could benefit from taking BOTH.
July 5, 2018 at 9:48 am


Many people can benefit from taking both. We do recommend many of our clients to take an omega 3 supplement because most individuals are deficient in omega 3s. As far as the omega 7- if you fit the description listed under the who can benefit paragraph then this supplement may be worth a try for you. 

Carolyn Fehringer
I live in Casper Wyo. Is this available here?
October 26, 2018 at 7:14 am


OmegaGenics Mega 10 is available to purchase online at with free shipping!

What food or mineral is high in Omega 7 without buying a pill
October 27, 2019 at 3:52 am


Omega-7 fatty acids are unsaturated fatty acids found in certain fish, like salmon and anchovy, and oils such as olive oil, macadamia oil.

I see you don’t ship this to Australia?
December 26, 2019 at 5:54 pm


No, unfortunately we do not ship outside the United States.

Does omega 7 help the body burn body fat? Thank you
June 26, 2020 at 6:46 pm


Omega-7 fats are beneficial in reducing excess body fat when used in a balanced nutrition plan. Our food philosophy is centered around real food first, then supporting with key supplements. Some of the best food sources of Omega-7 fats are macadamia nuts, olive oil, avocado oil, salmon, and anchovies.  These fats improve insulin sensitivity and help to stabilize blood sugar. Blood sugar stabilization helps to reduce the damaging effects of insulin resistance on the metabolism. Many research journals have shared the benefit of monounsatured fats (like Omega-7 palmitoleic acid)  in reducing central obesity. Recent research shows that Omega-7 fats may decrease the size of fat cells and increase fat burning.

Thank you very much. :)
July 2, 2020 at 6:28 am
Can l take omega3 and omega7 pour with covid positive
April 18, 2021 at 6:04 am


Yes, you can continue to take this product.
Does this have enough omega seven in it because alot of them dont
June 16, 2021 at 12:59 pm


This product has 210 mg of Omega-7. We generally recommend between 200-400 mg/day to start out and adjust as needed, so this product is a great fit and right in that range.

Pamela Dillon
I do not live in MN but I read your information on healthy foods and I am wondering if you will put me on you list to recieve information. Thank you.
July 8, 2022 at 8:45 am


Of course! We will add you to our email list and make sure to check out our Facebook and Instagram accounts!

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