Food Habits & Depression

December 16, 2018

If you are struggling with anxiety or depression, what are you eating? Have you ever thought about the connection between your food habits and your depression? Listen in to today’s show as we discuss some food habits that can damage your brain, leading to anxiety and depression, as well as what you can eat for better brain health.

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DAR:  Welcome to Dishing Up Nutrition. We have a very interesting topic to discuss with you, how your food habits affect your brain health and especially how the foods you eat can increase or decrease anxiety and depression. If you're struggling with anxiety or depression, what are you eating? What is the connection between the Diet and your depression? Have you ever thought about the connection between your food habits and your depression? I'm Darlene Kvist. I'm a Certified Nutrition Specialist and I've been in practice well over 30 years. So yesterday, an amazing email arrived in our office. I actually have asked Marcie to read the email because it fits in so well to our show today.

MARCIE:  It really does. So here we go. It says, “Hey Melanie, it is really difficult to find words to explain how much I appreciate what you've given me. I'm locked in and focused and not struggling to perform the things in life that come naturally to people like you. I'm not mentally exhausted at the end of each day from battling through the clouds in my brain because the clouds have lifted. I know that I'm no one specialty you because this is just what you do for a living. It comes naturally for you to change lives, but I just want you to know that you are special for helping those of us who don't know how to help ourselves.”

DAR: And that's all through nutrition and food.

MARCIE:Exactly. We hear that often in our days at work and how people just are so excited that just one little thing they did changed their life. And it's very profound what her email said.

DAR:  It's so interesting, this was addressed to Melanie who is a great dietitian nutritionist. She's been on the show, but this is something that we hear with all of the dietitians and nutritionists that work day to day with clients. So it's really great. So, brain health is one of my favorite nutrition topics and because of my passion about nutrition for the brain and I've gone to a lot of nutrition seminars and lectures, read lots of research studies, and have worked one on one with countless people who have struggled with both anxiety and depression and really this is the answer. Food really matters when it comes to depression. I've always been drawn to learn more about nutrition, brain nutrition. So I thought let's share a little bit then. So Marcie and I are going to touch on some basic nutritional information. I mean we can't get into all the little details, but we can share some of the basic information because this is information that you could use to avoid getting depression or to relieve some of the symptoms of depression. And I think that's what that email was saying. Her brain started working better. So let me tell you though, Marcie is also keenly aware of how to feed your brain for better mental health.

MARCIE: I sure am. I'm happy to share my story always.

DAR:  That's very nice of you to do that. So some people keep it hidden. But that doesn't help anyone.

MARCIE: So, I like to share all the time. So this is a big topic for just 40 minutes of air time. So we're going to talk really fast, but we'll try to get through it all. So first of all, I am Marcie Vaske and I have a master's degree in clinical nutrition and I've been seeing clients for only over three years. I got my masters late. So, lots of life experience, right? It always pays off. And, when I first sit down with clients who are experiencing that depression or even anxiety or even an eating disorder, as we begin talking, it's so common that they have never made the connection that their brain health is linked to those conditions.

DAR: I know they don't really connect that, do they?

MARCIE:  I know, maybe if they eat something and get a belly ache, that's a connection. But my brain? No. So, in fact, they’re oftentimes shocked to learn that if they just ate better, they would feel better and have less depression and anxiety.

DAR: And isn't that such a simple concept?

MARCIE: I know it really is, but so hard to do. As we kind of continue to talk in our session they begin to understand that they need to make changes that they don't always want to hear. They give me some look sometimes, but one of the changes we always want to start with is start eating breakfast. And I'm not suggesting eating this bowl of cereal or the muffin. But what we mean at Nutritional Weight & Wellness is to eat a real breakfast of eggs or meat with some spinach or green beans cooked in butter. Keyword. And I know this takes time in the morning, but, when they're really committed to making change, they will do that. People will start making eggs in the morning and they're were even shocked when we say no margarine, no fake butter. Real butter, right? They actually say that to me. “Real butter?” Why are we saying that? Because that helps your brain function better. And just like Dar was saying, they're shocked when we say the fake butter. And so at Nutritional Weight & Wellness, we're always trying to teach people to avoid manufactured foods. So we're asking you to look for fats or foods with soybean oil, corn oil, cotton seed oil, or canola oil.

DAR: And we probably say that over and over and over on the show. Avoid those fats, avoid those fats. Look at the label.

MARCIE: And now we're seeing it today because we want your brain to be healthier. Because these fats really interfere with the communication between our cells.

DAR: So listeners, if you can picture that. Your cells have to talk to one another. They have to communicate.

MARCIE: They do. And when they communicate well you feel better. Right? So, in our nutrition classes we often ask class participants, hey, what's your brain made out of? And many people haven't ever even thought of that. But now because they listen to the show they know. More and more people know that besides water, our brain consistent least 60 percent, maybe 70 percent fat. So here's something to think about. If in the past you heard that or thought that fat makes you fat, what did you do?

MARCIE: Well, of course I can’t eat any fat.

DAR: Of course. So what happens then is that your brain becomes very deficient in a main important nutrient, which is fat. It gets low in fat in your brain. So then you don't think well and you have more depression. So, basically your brain needs healthy fats to function. So Marcie, what are some of those healthy fats?

MARCIE: Butter, like we talked about, olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts, nut butters, olives, simple everyday fats. I mean it's just easy and who doesn't want to eat this stuff?

DAR:  So when you're looking at a label, make sure that these are the fats that's on that label and not like soy bean oil or corn oil or cottonseed oil, that's where they hide it in process foods.

MARCIE: Exactly. So you're just wanting to get those real yummy fats that we just talked about. And on previous Dishing Up Nutrition shows, I've actually shared my personal struggle with an eating disorder and some pretty serious anxiety. And like many of you, I had to accept and trust that eating fat was a good thing to do. I mean, I was hardcore no fat. But once I started eating fat, I mean clearly I could think better. My anxiety went down, I felt nourished and I always tell my clients, you'll feel more nourished, like you just get some energy. So, I think that even a low fat habit or that no fat habit is something that I think all of you out there should try to eradicate.

DAR:  Right. And in fact, here's a challenge to our listeners. If you can possibly just take in the good fats everyday, every meal, every snack for six weeks and see how you feel. And again, avoid those bad fats that plug up your brain.

MARCIE: nd I know Dar would agree with me, but we're pretty sure you're going to feel better if you do that.

DAR: So, one of the things that we often say is to our clients, is eat a tablespoon of good fats if you can with every meal and every snack. Well, Marcie, you didn't start with a whole tablespoon. You started maybe with a couple of teaspoons.

MARCIE:  Yeah. It's just gentle.

DAR: So we kind of work up to kind of nourish your brain and let it function. And so we have a lot on this show. So if we're talking fast, I know it's because we have a lot to talk about.

MARCIE: We have to share a lot, but first we need to go to break before we continue to share anymore. So, you are listening to Dishing Up Nutrition and we are discussing common food habits that are often connected to depression and memory loss. So, here's two important food habits that you can see that you can include into your daily routine that will help avoid the depression and memory loss. Habit number one, eat only healthy fats. I think we've made that clear. We talked about butter, olive oil, coconut oil, and avoid those man-made processed fats. Habit number two, drink water. Even slight dehydration raises your stress hormones and actually damages your brain over time.

DAR: And Marcie, are you saying that a good antidepressant would be drink water?

MARCIE: Yes, I am. So how much do we want you to drink daily? Well, at least eight glasses, but for those of you who drink coffee or soda or maybe even are on a diuretic medication, you need to add in a little more so that one or two more glasses of water a day. Because if you're hydrated, you're going to think better and you're going to have less depression and less memory loss. So really just some simple solutions for pretty big results. We'll be right back.


DAR: Welcome back to Dishing Up Nutrition. Before break, we talked about two key food habits to establish to help you avoid depression and memory loss. One of them was eat only good natural fats, and the other one was avoid factory fats. And the third one, which is maybe two and a half, drink eight to 10 glasses of water a day. So if you're struggling with depression, we believe it is also important to eat maybe two to four ounces of protein at each meal and snack and why protein? Animal protein breaks down into amino acids and these amino acids convert into neurotransmitters and people have heard about Serotonin so they know that's a neurotransmitter that helps combat depression. We know that. So think about this. If you're a vegetarian and you're not eating a lot of protein, what can you eat to support your neurotransmitter production? And we see clients like this often. We have an idea on this and so we're going to talk about what you can do if you're a vegetarian. How to add in some of these foods.

MARCIE: And we'll get to that in just a moment. So when we left, we were talking about adding those good fats in. Having maybe a tablespoon at each meal and snack, but if you don't want to jump right in, maybe a couple teaspoons. So just a couple ideas on what people could do would be having some almond butter or even some natural peanut butter on apple slices, which is very, oh, so delicious and great for our brain.

DAR: But then if you want to add in both the fats and the protein, make some deviled eggs. And if you make deviled eggs with avocado mayo or safflower mayo, it's great for the brain. And if you'll use eggs from pastured chickens, these egg yolks contain a special type of fat that makes up 60 percent of the fat that's in your brain. So if you eat those kind of egg yolks, that's good for your brain. So this special fat is called DHA and it's a special kind of Omega three fatty acid. And we know nutritionally how important DHA is because where do you find it first? In breast milk! So about 30 percent of breast milk is this DHA fat and it's there to help the baby's brain. So deviled eggs made with avocado mayonnaise. That's a great brain food and Yummy. And so if you serve deviled eggs with a few carrots and celery sticks, maybe some apple slices and a few black olives, you've got good brain food. So, remember DHA is found in egg yolks from pastured chickens. Those are the chickens that are running around eating grass. So most people need 400 to 600 milligrams of DHA for good brain function. So one egg from a pastured chicken has about 100 milligrams in it. So if you're eating three of those, you're getting 300 milligrams of DHA. Good to go.

MARCIE: Yeah. People are like, “I can eat eggs?!” Yes, you can eat eggs and now you have another reason to eat them for some good brain nourishment.

DAR: Yes. That's another question that we get. “You can eat eggs?!”

MARCIE: Eggs and butter. My life is complete. And while I'm counseling clients, I try to help them understand that food is brain medicine and I've even gone as far as to say that food is as powerful as most medicines. There is a lot of research out there that will support that. I know you may not hear that from most medical doctors, but we're not medical doctors. We're nutritionists and we know food and we know when you eat right, you feel better and you think better. I see it, I hear it everyday from my clients that nutrition changes lives and just like Melanie's client earlier we spoke about, she feels it.

DAR: And it helps to get rid of that anxiety and depression. So you have to have a desire to have better brain chemistry, so you have to buy in and agree to give your brain good nutrition consistently.

MARCIE:  Keyword: consistently. That means not just for a day or even just a week, but every day. What are you eating everyday? That's the stuff that's going to make a difference. Having good nutrition one day and then maybe having a beer and pizza every Friday night. It's not going to cut it. And so let's face it, some of us, including me, I must eat consistently, eat right everyday to feel right. I know that. If I don’t get enough, I get more anxious.

DAR:  Yes. I think that's true for everyone and there's varying degrees of how food affects people's brain chemistry. And some people are much more sensitive so they have to eat perfectly. So as we've already said, our brand is made up at least 60 percent fat. So again, we teach clients to eat a lot of fat.

MARCIE:  Seven tablespoons of healthy fat every day. It's a good habit. And what we talked about earlier is including the butter, olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, even full-fat whipping cream, olives, nuts. I mean, we want you to include that several times a day.

DAR:  So we have a client story that I want to share with you today about food habits that do not support good brain function. When I first saw this client, she was struggling with depression, ADHD, compulsive behaviors, and she was about a hundred pounds overweight. She had joint pains, hormonal issues, and what was her poor food habit? This is kind of shocking. She was drinking 10 cans of coke a day. And when she went off to college, she was healthy. She was fit. She was young. And then she started drinking 10 cans of coke a day. It was because she said she didn't like the food service. And somehow in her brain she believed drinking coke was okay because coke was low fat. So, think about this, each can of coke contains 36 of carbs or nine teaspoons of sugar, which means she was drinking 90 teaspoons of sugar per day. This poor food habit went on for over three years. So what happened? It started a course with insulin resistance and severe hormonal imbalance and overtime she gained 100 pounds and then things happen to our brain. So we'll come back to our story after the break.

MARCIE:  You are listening to Dishing Up Nutrition. We know protein is important for neurotransmitter production. Antidepressants don't make neurotransmitters, only protein makes new neuro transmitters. So if you're a vegetarian and you are depressed, which we have found is quite common in some of our clients, what you can eat several times a day to get the essential protein your body needs? What can you add in? So here's a few suggestions for you. Make a protein shake using some of the Wellness Whey protein powder.

DAR: And you might have to drink that more than once a day.

MARCIE:That's right. You could even scramble three whole eggs and serve them over a plate full of vegetables. You can even toast a good quality slice of bread and put some cottage cheese on there, top it with your favorite berry and then slide it in the toaster and let the cottage cheese kind of melt. That sounds delicious. Or another simple one is boiled eggs, add the eggs in a bowl of cottage cheese and then smash it all together. Or make some deviled eggs. So, we can help create menus for vegetarians all the time so that you're getting enough protein and we'd like to help you if you need some help. So you can give us a call at 651-699-3438.


DAR: Welcome back to Dishing Up Nutrition. As many of you already know, the Keto diet is all the rage. Do you know the history of the Keto Diet? Where did it start and why? So let me share a little history with you. The ketogenic Diet was designed in 1923 by a doctor from Mayo Clinic, Dr. Russell Wilder. And it was designed mainly for children with epilepsy. So researchers found that a high fat, very low carbohydrate diet stop seizure activity for about 60 percent of the cases in which medication had not previously worked. So this was pretty profound. So today it's being used to help people again, mainly for children who are genetically unable to break down carbohydrates, which then can lead to damaged cells and over all damaged health.

MARCIE: Wow. And just as using a high-fat, low-carb diet worked to control seizures, it's also been found to be helpful for children with the inability to break down and digest the carbohydrate.

DAR:  To our surprise, there are over 7,000 rare genetic diseases and they all have limited medical treatments to help those suffering from these rare diseases. So, what am I really saying? We're saying that at this time, research has not found effective medication or treatments for these rare diseases. This one particular rare genetic disease has touched the life of a family right here in west St Paul, Minnesota. They discovered that feeding their son a ketogenic diet to be very helpful for him not as a medication, but as a nutritional solution. For this reason, they started an organization called the Pompei Warrior Foundation to help educate both medical staff and families about the ketogenic diet that’s really helped their son so much.

MARCIE: Oh, that's awesome. So what they need is our help getting their message out so they can help other families going through the same type of struggles. This family listens to Dishing Up Nutrition. And they believe just as we do that for many of those with rare genetic disorders, nutrition is one of the most important answers. So Dennis and Anne St. Martin have started the Pompe Warrior Foundation and frankly they need our support and your support as well to spread their message of hope to those of you who may no longer have hope.

DAR: So if you want to help out go to and look them up and you can see what they're doing.  As nutritionists, we understand that some of our clients need more fat and fewer carbs. Others need more protein and less fat. While  some need a balance of all the macronutrients. This is why at Nutritional Weight & Wellness, we don't use a cookie cutter approach with our clients. We look at the individual and help design a program for them.

MARCIE: Yeah. What do you really need? All of us at Nutritional Weight & Wellness send our support to this family and to this organization. Many of us personally know how having a critical ill child is highly stressful.

DAR: It is. This couple has taken on that stress and turned it into an organization that is giving people hope and making a difference. And Really Dennis and Anne, we thank you very much. I think it's a wonderful mission to cheer on.

All right. Back to our script on anxiety and depression and foods.

MARCIE: Yes. And Dar was telling us about a story of one of her clients before we went to break, so I think she needs to finish this important story.

DAR: Okay. So she was drinking 10 cans of coke, regular coke, 90 teaspoons of sugar a day. But diet coke wouldn’t have been any better, but we don't have time for that today. But she gained 100 pounds. She had muscle and joint pain and she really ended up with poor brain function which resulted in more memory problems and depression. Now, this was an extreme case, but you were just telling me we're still seeing people with a lot of coke addiction.

MARCIE: Or just needing the coke and it's really hard for them to give it up and I will just say, you can change a lot of things, but if you don't give up this coke, you're still going to be struggling. And everybody out there is learning today this is why.

DAR: So, some of our clients are not drinking 10 cans. But they're drinking three or four cans of soda a day and they don't realize the harm that they're causing to their brain and even to their body. So, when this client set an appointment with me, what you think her main goal was?

MARCIE: Well, of course it was going to be weight loss to lose 100 pounds.

DAR:  Yes, that's right. However, my main goal was for her to help her prevent getting early Alzheimer’s disease. Today’s scientists have discovered a type of Alzheimer's disease that is related to insulin resistance of the brain and it is referred to type three diabetes. Now we're saying Alzheimer's, but we're saying memory, but we're also saying depression, anxiety, focus, all those things. So insulin resistance in the body or in the brain is typically caused from eating or drinking too much sugar.

MARCIE:  So you can see why your client was struggling with focus and memory and depression. She's eating 90 teaspoons of sugar a day for three years.

DAR: So, for some people insulin resistance, they say, what does that mean? It’s kinda like prediabetes. Or it could actually be diabetes, but a lot of times it is on your little health history form it says prediabetes. So what happens in your brain? It interferes with brain transmission or the communication. And we talked about that before. Cells need to communicate. And suddenly people are experiencing more forgetting behavior or trouble completing tasks or anxiety or depression. All this damage happened from poor food habits. I mean, I think it's just shocking.

MARCIE: It is that just that alone can create all of those problems.

DAR:  It's really sad to say how little of so many people know about the impact that food is making on their body and their brain.

MARCIE:  I know and I hope today that people are putting that connection together so they pick up that diet coke or that coke today and then quickly set it back down. And we always want to push the envelope. So some of you may be thinking out there, well, how much sugar can I eat daily before causing this kind of damage to my cells in my body and in my brain? Well, the American Heart Association says we can do six teaspoons of added sugar for women and nine teaspoons for men. And as nutritionists to prevent depression and memory loss, we would actually recommend that you take that down to even three or four teaspoons and keep that as your daily intake and limit your process carbs. Just think about how many processed carbs you might be eating. We only have one brain, right? And at this point we can’t order it off Amazon to get another one. So I think it's pretty important that we get rid of some of that sugar.

DAR: So, I think as we kinda reflect back on that, 10 cans of coke versus maybe what we've see a lot of people doing is four, five cans. And so, the average person, I don't think they're aware they're the damage they can be doing to their brain when they consume sugar. In fact, I have a nephew who is a carpenter and he drinks several cans of Mountain Dew everyday. And I've noticed when I stopped for gas early in the morning, and you'd walk in and you see the construction type workers are loading up on Mountain Dew, chips, and pastries. So again, when you think about a 12 ounce can of Mountain Dew, that has 29 grams of carbohydrates and about seven teaspoons of sugar. So if you drink, and this was typical of Eric, he would drink maybe five cans of Mountain Dew daily, so then he was consuming over 35 teaspoons of sugar just in liquid. And that can lead to insulin resistance, prediabetes, and after a few years it goes into type two diabetes. And then they get gout and they're in pain, irritability, and depression. So if soda drinkers could see into the future, if they had x ray eyes, they would switch from drinking soda, drinking water, or even coffee. I mean coffee has a little caffeine, but it doesn't have all those chemicals. As long as you're not putting the syrup in. If you're drinking real coffee with maybe a little heavy whipping cream.

MARCIE: Delicious. So, before we move on, we actually need to take our last break here. So, you're listening to Dishing Up Nutrition. If you're looking for a great holiday gift, let me suggest our Weight & Wellness Cookbook and Nutrition Guide

DAR: I just had a client yesterday. She says, my mother and I love this cookbook.

MARCIE: Oh, it's a great one. People love it all the time. They use it time and time again and so do people on the staff, right? I know I've taken some recipes out of there. They're delicious. My kids even eat them. That's a win win. And you can buy this great guide at any of our seven locations or online.


DAR:  Welcome back to Dishing Up Nutrition. Our Nutrition 4 Weight Loss 12-week series class starts the week of January 14th and will be taught at each of our seven locations and some of our classes are already half full. So don't wait because if you you really don't want to miss out. You don't want to make that commitment starting in January.

MARCIE: All right, so let's get back to our topic of depression and anxiety today. When we left we were kind of talking about I'm going over sugar and that insulin resistance, but we're going to kind of bring it back to fat now for a moment because we have a fun activity that you might want to try over the holidays with your kids. Like my kids are like, “I'm so bored!” Well, what I tell them now is to make some butter and that's what I'm going to share with you. So, if you've ever taken our Weight & Wellness classes or what we do during that series is we teach you how to make your own butter. So what you do is you want to get some organic heavy whipping cream, so maybe like Organic Valley or Horizon or something. Take a small mason jar, fill it about halfway up with that cream and just put the lid on tightly and start shaking. And if you keep shaking long enough, pretty soon you're going to have some butter. And it's delicious. It's easy and it's kind of fun to watch it form.

DAR: I think it is fun to watch it form.

MARCIE: So, Dar and I love this famous quote from chef Julia Child. “If you're afraid of butter, use cream.” So, all good cooks and chefs understand that to bring out the flavor in vegetables, you cook them in butter. And we're telling you that butter today is better for your brain. And remember, fake butter is very bad for your brain because it has those bad oils in them.

DAR:Yes. And we were talking before about the Coke and the sugar and all that and we were talking about insulin resistance. And so why is insulin resistance so bad for the brain? So here, if you can just kind of picture this, insulin resistance puts a coating over all your cells in both your body and in your brain. So if the neurotransmitters, which are made from protein, can't get across the synapse and then to the next cell, communication breaks down. A word is lost. A thought is lost. A direction is lost, a good mood is lost, if our memory is lost. And as you get older, those are all scary things. So you want to keep that brain functioning as well as you can.

MARCIE: And through nutrition is a way you can do it. If you want to make more neurotransmitters, we're always talking about and teaching people is to eat protein several times a day, not just once a night. Not even just three times a day, but maybe four or five, six times a day, especially if you're struggling with anxiety or depression. I mean, I know if I don't eat enough protein, I know right away. Anxiety is like a little devil. But if you are making more neurotransmitters and they can't and they can't get through the coding from that insulin resistance, you may feel depressed and when you eat a piece of fish or chicken or you make that protein shake with whey protein powder, all of the proteins break down into amino acids which then make narrow transmitters like the ones we always talk about serotonin or dopamine.

DAR: So unfortunately when insulin resistance blocks serotonin or dopamine, those neurotransmitters just vanish. And so again, you'll feel sad. lonely, anxious, depressed.  You know the story.

MARCIE: Right. It just goes on and on. So we need to stop it. and more than 100 million people today in the US have prediabetes or diabetes and it all starts with insulin resistance.

DAR: So it is estimated that three fourths of adults have prediabetes, at least that many. So, over a third of the people. In fact we’re at almost 50 percent right now. And at least seven percent of adults struggle with depression. And I think that’s a little old and that rate is much higher now.

MARCIE:  I would agree with you. I mean we see a lot of people and that's pretty apparent.

DAR: So how many carbs and how much sugar. is too much and can lead to prediabetes or insulin or assessments? At Nutritional Weight & Wellness. We recommend limiting your carbs intake to about 30 grams per meal or around 100, 120, 130 grams per day.

MARCIE:And that's pretty moderate. I mean, I think it's very doable. You don't feel like you're low carbing, you feel like you're feeding your body what it needs. And if you have depression, here's a list of foods that we would ask you to avoid. These are food habits that might be causing that insulin resistance and depression.

DAR: The first one on that list is juice. Get rid of juice. Get rid of your kid’s juice.

MARCIE: Yes. Or the next one which we already talked about is soda.

DAR: And then I'm going to attack another one. Toast.

MARCIE: People are going to be so sad right now, but it's not helpful.

DAR: Toast and cereal.

MARCIE: And then I'll top it off with pastries and donuts.

DAR:  And then we will talk about energy drinks, which is popular. And alcohol.

MARCIE: Holidays are brewing so the alcohol is flowing.

DAR:And then frosting. And then candy.

MARCIE: And the hidden high fructose Corn Syrup in salad dressings.

DAR: Or anything. So here are some other foods to support good mental health. Salmon, smoked salmon from Alaska. Chicken, grass fed if you can for sure.

MARCIE: Or beef, grass fed as well.

DAR: And eggs. There's a million ways to make eggs.

MARCIE:I know and it has that great DHA in there.

DAR: Cottage cheese, full fat, four percent cottage cheese.

MARCIE:  Put some berries on there. Yum. Or vegetables. All kinds. Broccoli, green beans, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts.

DAR:  You name it, you can eat it. And if you cook it in natural fat like butter or coconut oil or avocados or nuts. Put some cream on it.

MARCIE: Delicious and nutritious. Our goal at Nutritional Weight & Wellness is to help each and every person experience better health through real eating. It's a simple, yet powerful message. Eating real food is life changing.

DAR: And have a wonderful holiday and we thank you for listening.

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