Could You Benefit from Extra L-Glutamine?

By Nutritional Weight & Wellness Staff
March 4, 2024

In this article, we are going to tackle the most common questions we get about l-glutamine: What does l-glutamine do? Would I be a good candidate for l-glutamine? What are the best l-glutamine foods? How much l-glutamine should I take? Should glutamine be taken with or without food? How long should I take l-glutamine? We’ll answer all these questions plus give you meal plan ideas and a success story to go along with this useful information! Let’s dive in:

You may benefit from l glutamine if you show any of these symptoms:

Benefits Of L-Glutamine:

What does l-glutamine do? Discover the variety of l-glutamine uses, from enhancing gut health to supporting cravings reduction and boosting immunity:

L-Glutamine Supports the Digestive Tract:

L-glutamine is one of the most important nutrients for a healthy digestive tract because of its ability to maintain the integrity of the intestinal wall. This amino acid (in fact it’s the most abundant of amino acids in the body) heals all tissue in the body, especially those irritated tissues in the digestive tract.

“L-Glutamine has helped to heal my intestines after years of periodic antibiotics. Along with NutriKey’s Bifido probiotics, it is part of a dynamic duo. A terrific value.” – Susan V.

L-Glutamine Supports Anxiety:

L-glutamine is also known as the calming amino acid since it’s very effective at reducing anxiety,

L-Glutamine Supports the Reduction of Cravings:

L-glutamine is known to be effective at reducing sugar and alcohol cravings. Some more progressive treatment centers will use it to reduce cravings.

L-Glutamine Supports the Immune System:

A 2011 study published in the Yonsei Medical Journal found that glutamine supports the immune system and is especially beneficial for patients in the hospital and those fighting viruses or overwhelming infections (Kim, 2011).

Dr. Mark Hyman explains it like this: “Your entire immune system (and your body) is protected from the toxic environment in your gut by a layer only one cell thick. This thin layer covers a surface area the size of a tennis court—yet it’s basically containing a sewer. If that barrier is damaged, you will get sick and create an overactive immune system, producing inflammation throughout the body.”

Repairing the gut lining can be done by getting enough gut-healing nutrients, like l-glutamine. Clinically, we have found this to be true with our clients looking for improved immune function, better digestion, and fewer cravings.

Real Food Sources Of L-Glutamine

At Nutritional Weight & Wellness we always look for real food sources of l-glutamine first. What l-glutamine foods can you incorporate into your meals?

For this important amino acid, we’re lucky that all animal protein foods are great sources of glutamine. The long list includes beef, bison, chicken, fish, free-range eggs, grass-fed dairy, lamb, pork and turkey.

Because the Weight & Wellness real food way of eating encourages animal protein at all meals and most snacks, you have plenty of opportunity to get a variety of meats (and therefore glutamine!) into your day. What might that look like? 




Another natural and tasty way to incorporate a real food source of l-glutamine is bone broth. Think of it as a glutamine drink! You can easily make your own to sip like a therapeutic beverage, use as a base for a healing soup, or incorporate into your cooking (like when you make your grains or meats).

Glutamine Supplementation:

If you or someone in your family isn’t eating sufficient amounts of animal protein and/or has the symptoms mentioned above and still needs relief, we recommend taking glutamine supplements.

How To Take Glutamine Supplements

A common question we get is, “how much l-glutamine should I take?”

L-Glutamine comes in two forms: capsules or powder. Our nutritionists recommend taking two l-glutamine capsules before or with every meal if you are doing the capsule form. For the l-glutamine powder, take ¼ to ½ tsp. in water before every meal. Or, if your cravings come and go, some clients put the l-glutamine powder right on their tongue to make the cravings go away immediately. You can open up the capsule for that quick dose of powder or keep a canister of the powder form on hand.

When To Take L-Glutamine

Ideally, it is best to take glutamine supplements about 10-15 minutes before a meal, on an empty stomach and we typically recommend taking l-glutamine 2-3 times per day (so before 2-3 meals per day). However, it’s better to get it in rather than not, so do the best you can in taking glutamine with or without food.

How Long Should I Take L-Glutamine?

The length of time to stay on l-glutamine depends on the person. For most people at least 4 months of daily use is beneficial and while for others, it could be 12 months. You can also go by symptoms. Some people find relief right away, but notice a difference when they stop taking glutamine supplements so they add it back in. For example, if you are taking l-glutamine for reflux, if your reflux symptoms flare up, you might want to continue a dose of l-glutamine at night and notice how your body feels.

You can discuss your specific needs with a nutritionist or dietitian who will help you find what you’d need for maintenance.

Our go-to spot for high quality supplements: NutriKey!

Shop Quality L-Glutamine

Who Could Benefit From L-Glutamine Supplements?

If you have anxiety, sugar or alcohol cravings, constipation or diarrhea, a poor immune system, low muscle mass, poor wound healing or slow recovery after workouts, you may want to consider supplemental glutamine. Make sure you are getting in enough animal protein at meals and snacks plus incorporate a high-quality l-glutamine supplement to support the healing of all your tissues.  

Want a real-life example on how l-glutamine works? Find out how Erin used l-glutamine supplements to quit her soda habit!

Read Case Study on L-Glutamine


Learn more about l-glutamine's connection to your health:


  1. Kim, H. A. National Institutes of Health, US National Library of Medicine, (2011). Glutamine as an immunonutrient (PMCID: PMC3220259). Retrieved from Yonsei Medical Journal website:

About the author

This blog content was written by a staff member at Nutritional Weight & Wellness who is passionate about eating real food.

View all posts by Nutritional Weight & Wellness Staff


Would L-Glutamine be beneficial for someone with Colitis?
July 6, 2017 at 4:12 pm


Yes it absolutely can. We typically recommend 2 capsules or 1/4-1/2 tsp before each meal to support gut healing.

Hi - if you are trying to reduce sugar and alcohol cravings how much L-Glutamine should you be taking? thanks.
July 7, 2017 at 8:31 am


We typically recommend 2 capsules or 1/4-1/2 tsp before each meal to help reduce cravings. 

Hi, I'm 44 and having moderate ddd, degenerative disc disease, can this supplement help the health of my joints? Thanks
August 4, 2017 at 6:45 am


L glutamine is a vital nutrient for a healthy digestive tract because of its ability to maintain the integrity of the intestinal wall.  So it could inadvertently help you to absorb the nutrients needed to support Bone and connective tissue.

A good healthy diet with adequate protein, lots of healthy vegetables supported by healthy fat is always the best approach to support joints and discs.

It's always good to make an appoint with it with a nutritionist  if you are concerned that your intestinal health is compromised.

Couple Questions: What is the recommended dosage typically? Is this safe for pregnant women? Is this a long term supplement or just one to restore levels?
August 18, 2017 at 10:31 pm


We think it’s safe, as does Dr. Amy Myers, but it's always a good idea to check with your practitioner. For dosage we’d suggest 2,000 to 4,000 mg a day, usually used short term to help with healing and cravings, though some do use it long term. 

Marcia Sammons
What can a person with Colitis do if they dont eat raw vegetables, only cooked and not a wide variety?
August 22, 2017 at 2:00 pm


The answers are very unique to each person, we'd encourage you to consider an phone or in-person appointment with one of our nutritionists

david daugaard
i have taken l-glutamine and have painful head aches and changes in my mental state - any idea why this would be ? as i seem to have leaky gut and would benefit here from the supplement
November 22, 2017 at 7:25 pm


For some very sensitive people, Glutamine can trigger headaches and possibly other mental processing. It's believed to be because the chemical structure of glutamine is similar enough to MSG that some people's bodies view them as almost the same.  You may try taking a much smaller dose and see if the symptoms go away, and then slowly increase the dose to support digestive healing.  If even a small dose continues to cause symptoms, then just know that right now this supplement is not right for your biochemistry. In the meantime try drinking 1-2 cups of bone broth per day to get a natural form of glutamine and other nutrients that are very good at healing the digestive tract.

If you have a GAD65 SNP , you cannot convert GLUTAMATE to glutamine, so by taking glutamine, it might even convert to more GLUTAMATE and make you more anxious
August 8, 2018 at 8:54 pm


For some people they don’t process glutamine correctly. If you notice you have symptoms after taking l-glutamine then discontinue use.

June Mundy
I bought a large tub don't like the taste,can I drink it orange juice ?
October 15, 2018 at 7:30 am


I am sorry to hear you purchased a supplement that does not taste to your liking.  We generally discourage drinking juice since the sugar load to the body is so high.  A better option would be to put the l-glutamine powder in a smoothie.  We have lots of smoothie recipes on our website You can also mix it into some water with a NutriDyn Fruits & Greens flavor like Berry  This will give you the added nutritional boost of 20 servings of fruits and vegetables without the sugar.

Ahamad Shaik
How to work on immune system?

October 16, 2018 at 4:10 am


Since it helps maintain the integrity of the intestinal wall, the immune system will benefit as well since most of our immune function lives in our gut. 

Teresa Sandstoe
I have Gerd or Acid reflux, do you think this medicine will help my problem, if is yes how many do I need to take a day. Thank you
October 18, 2018 at 3:26 pm


Acidophilus powder would likely be more effective in helping your GERD or acid reflux. Use ½ tsp at night and if it’s really bad you can mix some in your water and drink it all day.

I have I.B.S and severe anxiety, sugar and alcohol cravings and chronic insomnia (due to anxiety). Would I benefit from L-Gluthamine? I'm currently taking I.Bgard and blackseed oil for I.B.S and a prescription pill for sleep. Thanks
November 27, 2018 at 3:05 pm


Yes, you would definitely benefit from l-glutamine. I would recommend taking 1 tsp of the powder or 3-4 capsules each day.

I have hypothyroidism & many of the side effects of the disease as well as vitligo and I would like to know if there would be any benefit to taking l-glutamine for these issues? Thank you.
January 9, 2019 at 10:36 pm


Yes, both of those conditions are affected by poor digestive health so l-glutamine can help. If you are experiencing a lot of hypothyroidism symptoms I would highly recommend making an individual appointment (availabel by phone or in-person) with one of our nutritionists. All of them are well versed in hypothyroidism.

Deb Peterson
A friend recommended l’glutamine for neuropathy, although I do not see any mention of neuropathy in your list of benefits. I am not diabetic but have been diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy in both my feet.
February 17, 2019 at 9:24 am


L-Glutamine could be beneficial for a variety of conditions above and beyond what we listed, because it helps to reduce inflammation. In addition, it is known to support the immune system and heal tissue. It sounds like your situation could be more complex than just adding in a supplement. You may consider setting up an individual consultation, where you could work with one of our nutritionists to put together a real food nutrition plan to address the small fiber neuropathy you are experiencing in both feet.
Hi i suffer with ibs and have a few food intolerances,i also suffer with a lot of gas no matter what i eat,would l glutamine help me?
February 17, 2019 at 10:49 pm


Yes, it sounds like L-glutamine and bifido bacteria would be two key supplements to support your GI tract. If you don't find relief with the supplements alone, I would encourage you to set up an individual consultation with one of our nutritionists. They would be able to put together a real food plan to put your IBS into remission.

Hi, how about someone that has H.Pylori, would this help? Thank you.
February 22, 2019 at 11:25 pm


L-glutamine is an amino acid that helps to heal wounds and soothe the lining of the digestive tract. We find L-glutamine from food sources in quality animal proteins like beef, chicken, eggs, and fish; so we encourage our clients with digestive complaints or infections to look first at the food they are eating. Although H. Pylori can be very complex, it makes sense that additional L-glutamine from a supplement could help with symptom relief. If you need some additional support in treating H. Pylori naturally, consider setting up a phone or in-person appointment with one of our licensed nutritionists.

Hi, can L-glutamine be used in cancer patient (nasopharyngeal cancer to be exact) who is undergoing radiation and chemo treatment for mouth sores?
April 3, 2019 at 1:31 pm


This a great question, as L-glutamine is a powerful amino acid that helps to heal the lining of the digestive tract. However, the research on L-glutamine use during an active cancer infection and treatments does suggest potential for negative effects. We recommend always checking with your oncologist, but it is probably best to play it safe and hold off on using L-glutamine until the treatment course is finished. Swishing cod liver oil, coconut oil, or a little liquid aloe vera in the mouth may provide some relief for the mouth sores.

I have diverviticulitis. Is L Glutamine a good source of gut supplement please.
April 28, 2019 at 2:05 am


Yes - L glutamine is an amino acid that helps to heal tissue. Many clients with digestive disorders find L glutamine to be a helpful supplement.

How many milligrams are in each of the "2 capsules before each meal" discussed above? I have NutriKey L-Glutamine 120 vegicaps and bottle says "serving size" is 3 vegicaps, each containing 2,250 mg.
June 5, 2019 at 9:35 pm


The bottle serving is a suggested dose from the manufacturer.  In the video our recommendation is based on our research for the best efficacy.  

Mary Spielvogel
My mom has C-Diff and Ecoli, she's currently only 2 antibiotics. She's taking a probiotic and eating yogurt daily. Would L-glutamine be helpful?
June 6, 2019 at 7:13 am


I am so sorry to hear about your mothers diagnosis.  Both bacterial infections can be very scary not to mention miserable.  I would highly advise she makes an appointment with a dietitian to restore her microbiome from not only these infections but the damage from the medications she needs to fight these infections.  A good probiotic, as well as L-glutamine is advised.  She can probably take 2 L-Glutamines before each meal in addition to her probiotics that should contain Bifido, other strains as well are needed.

Will L-Glutamine assist with dark spots on the face. Chloasma. And how many mg tabs should be taken daily?
October 31, 2019 at 2:10 am


L-Glutamine can help most with a healthy digestive tract, but would not directly help skin or dark spots.

How long would you suggest continuing the supplement if you are using it to heal the gut/lining of the digestive tract?
November 5, 2019 at 6:27 am


The length to stay on l-glutamine does depend on the person, for most people at least 4 months and could be 12 months for some. You can also go by symptoms, some people notice a difference when they stop the l-glutamine so they add it back in.

Hi Jackie, I have all the symptoms you mentioned, mainly caused by coeliac disease, and also my recent diagnoses with Blastis Homensis. I struggle to put on weight and have lost muscle mass. I have found your post extremely helpful and hoping L-Glutamine may help.
November 22, 2019 at 1:51 pm


Glad to hear this information helped you, if you would like more individualized one-on-one support you could meet with one of our Nutritionists for a consultation

Hello, my mother is 73 yrs old and suffers from ulcerative colitis. Would L-glutamine help her? Thank you.
December 19, 2019 at 1:02 am


Yes, L-glutamine helps repair tissues in our intestinal tract. Begin with a small dose of 1/4 tsp 3x/day on a empty stomach, increase slowly up to 1tsp 3x/day. (This does is based on our NutriKey L-glutamine powder supplement.)

L-glutamine will be most beneficial when coupled with our Weight & Wellness eating style.

I’m on a prescription Steroid to get my flair up from IBS under control but I want to take the L-glutamine. Would it be best to wait until I done or can I take the to meds together.
January 18, 2020 at 4:33 am


Glutamine should not interfere with steroid use. We would also recommend a consult with a Dietitian (available by phone or in-person) to combat those IBS flare ups.

Prince Agyapong
Hello, i’m 28 years and having burning sensations and tingling in the fingers. Can L-Glutamine help me? Thanks in advance for your reply.
January 18, 2020 at 6:37 pm


We would recommend a consult (available by phone or in-person) as tingling can be quite a few things that would need a nutritionists to figure out with you.

I have been diagnosed with sciatica and have a problem in walking and standing especially my right leg is more affected. In 2003, I had a neck surgery because of disc relapse and was supposed to go for another lower back surgery. Can collagen help me fix my skeletal problems. Thanks
March 1, 2020 at 5:13 am


Wow! What a difficult journey for you. I’m so sorry to hear about the pain you’ve incurred. I would recommend an appointment with the dietitian as this is very complex. Collagen can be helpful but not necessarily curative. Certainly adding 1 to 2 servings of collagen would be beneficial.

Hi could you please help...I started taking L Glutamine and 2 days later I have high pitch buzzing in my ears...will this stop or have I damaged my hearing forever?
Will magnesium citrate taken as powder stop the high pitched hissing and buzzing?
April 26, 2020 at 12:04 pm


I've never heard of this effect from L-glutamine before. Not sure if this will stop – at this point, I would discontinue and give it some time. This could be a potential explanation/mechanism:

For tinnitus, it has been hypothesised that the excessive release of glutamate between the inner hair cell and the terminal fibres of the auditory nerve at the synaptic cleft, as a result of noise exposure, for example, may generate tinnitus (Figueiredo 2008). Excess glutamate may lead to increased expression of glutamate receptors, making cells increasingly sensitive to the excitatory neurotransmitter, resulting ultimately in excitotoxicity. Glutamate receptor antagonists therefore are a theoretically logical approach to breaking this 'cycle'.

I have rhabdo after exertion, can l- glutamine help please
May 26, 2020 at 11:13 pm


This is a very complicated diagnosis. We would hesitate to recommend anything through email at this point. Nutrition support is of utmost importance and we would suggest an appointment with a nutritionist by phone or video.

When is the best time to take L-glutamine? And should you take it on an empty stomach?
May 27, 2020 at 5:41 am


It is best to take L-glutamine about 10-15 minutes before a meal, on an empty stomach. I typically recommend taking L-glutamine 2-3 times per day (so before 2-3 meals per day).

Is it best for a person affected with severe psoriasis to take amino acid supplements in general or l-glutamine in particular? If l-glutamine is best, is it necessary for it to be sourced from animals or is a vegetarian equivalent just as effective? Thank you for your time.
June 8, 2020 at 5:16 am


I would recommend l-glutamine for psoriasis, either source would be alright as long as it’s from a reputable company. If you haven’t already tried, I’d recommend a gluten-free and dairy-free diet for psoriasis.

Connie Jackson
I am diabetic and lately my blood sugars have been high. I am on Lantus and Novolog. Would L-glutamine capsules help to reduce my blood sugars and my sugar cravings? I am on medications for other conditions also--high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, antidepression and medication to get me into Stage 4 sleep. I would like to see if taking L-glutamine would interfere or cause any side effects with my medications.
June 8, 2020 at 7:24 pm


L-Glutamine can be helpful for sugar cravings. There is not a lot of substantial evidence that L-Glutamine can help low blood sugars on it own. L-Glutamine doesn’t have many interactions with medications but always discuss your medications with your doctor and nutritionist to make sure there are no interactions. 

Judith swazes
Will it hurt to take L Glutamine while fasting. Normally I have diarrhea but when I fast I have no bowel movements.
July 22, 2020 at 6:41 pm


It shouldn't hurt to take L-Glutamine while fasting. Usually we recommend taking it before meals so if you are not eating for the whole day, then taking it once in the morning should be enough. However, I'd be curious what the reasons for fasting are, as an all day fast isn't something we typically recommend.

tom dalton
can you use L- glutamine with omeprazole 20mgs
July 29, 2020 at 12:10 pm


You can use L-glutamine with omeprazole.  The L-glutamine would help at healing the lining of the esophagus and stomach if there are heartburn/ GERD issues.  That said we would encourage you to come in for a consult to help you get off omeprazole completely as it is not fixing the problem only masking the symptoms and harming your overall digestion.

Hi ... Can I take l glutamine and collagen in the same day for leaky gut ? Or I have to choose just one supplement ? Thank you
September 3, 2020 at 3:04 am


Yes, L-Glutamine and collagen can be taken at the same time. They are both beneficial for leaky gut.

Sometimes I find myself feeling hungry even after eating a meal. Could it be that my body isn't absorbing the nutrients? And if so, should I take L-glutamine?
September 10, 2020 at 8:08 am


That's possible. Or maybe you aren't eating enough protein, fat or veggies. Check in with the amount you're eating at each meal. Another possibility is that if you eat quickly your brain and gut don't talk fast enough to tell your brain it's full. If you eat quickly try slowing down. We would have to know more about your individual health history to determine if it's a problem of you not absorbing your food. In that case I'd recommend a one-on-one appointment with a nutritionist or dietitian. 

Hi, would it be okay to take L Glutamine whilst taking Kudzu and Ginseng?
September 30, 2020 at 9:45 am


I don’t see why not. Kudku and Ginseng are herbal medicines while L-Glutamine is an amino acid, or part of a protein. Although we are not experts in herbal medicinals.
Hi would it help lower my dieabetes
December 8, 2020 at 5:16 pm


Not directly, no. L-glutamine is most helpful for maintaining integrity in the lining of the digestive tract, but it can also be helpful for reducing sugar and processed carb cravings. By lowering cravings for sugar and processed carbs, and by extension, eating less of them, that will help to control blood sugars.

I have RA and get diarrhea a lot. I bought 500mg dose of L-Glutamine today. I started it tonight. Can you tell me how long before I will notice a difference? Also, should I take a probiotic? I was told not to take one that has to be kept in the fridge, but them I read that those are not the best. Can you recommend a good one and if I should take one?
Thank you in advance for your help and any other recommendations .
February 20, 2021 at 9:31 pm


A good starting dose of L-Glutamine is 750-1,000mg 3 times per day (we recommend our NutriKey brand). It's possible to notice an improvement within a few days, however diet needs to be examined to identify which food triggers may be impacting symptoms.

As far as adding in a probiotic, Bifido Balance (nonrefrigerated capsules) or refrigerated Bifido powder would be a good place to start to boost beneficial bacteria. Typically, we find that powdered probiotics work a little bit stronger, but either form will help.

I have GERD and a Hiatal hernia. Started taking probiotics, l-glutamine, and collagen to heal the damage in my esophagus.
So how Do I know when the healing process is complete and I can discontinue these supplements.
April 16, 2021 at 1:57 pm


We would recommend a follow-up consult with your dietitian or nutritionist (or an initial consult if you have not been seen).  When starting on probiotics and L-Glutamine, we typically start with 3 months and then recommend scheduling a follow-up appointment.

I find the power leaves a strange feeling on my teeth. Almost like it is damaging the enamel. I have tried swishing my mouth with water right after, waiting 20 minutes and brushing my teeth. The feeling lingers. Any thoughts? I am taking 2.5mg. I realize capsules might be better but I feel I would need to take so many to get this dosage.
May 25, 2021 at 10:20 am


I haven't heard of this before. If swishing with water and brushing teeth doesn't work, you could try adding the powder to a smoothie instead of drinking it with plain water.

Otherwise, I would suggest the capsules. 3 caps is 2,250mg, which is close to the 2.5 grams you are taking.

Deuzamar Pereira
Glutamine help treat sclerodermia? My body produce colagen in excess!
April 21, 2022 at 10:23 pm


L-Glutamine is the most abundant and versatile amino acid in the body.  It is part of the proteins in your body and it is involved in immune function and intestinal health.  Scleroderma can affect the digestive system so supplementing with L-Glutamine (in addition to the L-Glutamine you get from animal proteins) may benefit your overall health.  You may benefit from an individual consultation with a dietitian for personalized recommendations on food and supplements.  

Des Jones
Can I take this I have diverticulitis and rectum lining from bachythephy prostate
September 20, 2022 at 9:53 pm


Yes, you can take L-glutamine to help heal the lining of the colon and rectum. We just did a radio show/podcast this past weekend about diverticulitis/diverticulosis. They did discuss L-glutamine, and specifically a product we carry called Glutagenics, on the show. You may need to run this supplement by your oncologist/medical team, as I know some doctors differ in their opinions about supplements during treatment. However, I will say one of our dietitians took L-glutamine during her colon cancer treatment years ago, and it was actually encouraged by her doctors at the Mayo Clinic.

Arthurene Ctaig
I'm interested in this,could you guys keep me updated on this through my email?
December 6, 2022 at 12:31 pm


We will add you to our newsletter!

CLG Reader
I'm one of those people who cannot take L-Glutamine supplements or powders. I tried one that was actually recommended by my primary care physician, for digestive healing. (Ortho Molecular products.) I was fine after taking the supplement for about 3 days, then suddenly found myself feeling terrible bouts of relentless, unexplained anxiety. It was awful.

Since I was taking other supplements for digestive issues -- all new from my doctor -- it took me a while to figure out which product was causing the anxiety increase. I did some reading and discovered that L-Glutamine can create an imbalance in some people, causing anxiety to increase. Once I stopped the L-Glutamine, I felt better within two days and didn't have the anxiety flare again.
June 5, 2023 at 12:52 pm


It is rare for people to not be able to tolerate L-Glutamine but it does happen from time to time. As with any supplement, sometimes a person's body doesn't tolerate the nutrients in the supplement and it is best to discontinue what may not be working with your body. 

Hi, I'm a 59 yr old male who trains moderately with weights. Can l-glutamine help to raise testosterone levels? Thanks.
June 29, 2023 at 12:50 am


First, I commend you on taking care of your body through working out. Unfortunately, there is no research supporting the use of L glutamine and a connection to raising testosterone levels.

Balanced eating (animal protein, vegetables, and healthy fat) as well as removing processed foods, can be beneficial in raising testosterone levels. When we eat processed foods that are high in sugar or carbohydrates, it will raise estrogen levels and create an imbalance with testosterone.

How long my 11y old son with crohns disease can be on l glutamin and what doses. He has a inflamation right now with liw fever evry day.thank you
April 15, 2024 at 9:59 am


In general, doing 1 scoop of L-Glutamine powder provides 5 g and that's a good starting point. You can do this for 3 months and then reevaluate. We'd also recommend meeting with a nutritionist to customize a plan specific to you son's needs.

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