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Call 651-699-3438 to book a nutrition counseling appointment. Our nutrition counselors take a personalized approach to help you achieve your goals.
*Because everyone is unique, individual results vary.
I’ll never forget when my mom first told me about Nutritional Weight & Wellness. I was at my grandma’s birthday party chatting with family members when my fiancé leaned over to my mom and said, “Do you realize that Jennifer has ANOTHER ear infection?” I would get ear, sinus, tooth, kidney, and bladder infections frequently, and my doctor had me on antibiotics constantly. I was always sick, but my doctor couldn’t tell me why. The solution was always more antibiotics—sometimes two rounds of different types just to kill off one infection. My mom was concerned and told me about the Dishing Up Nutrition radio show. I started listening to the show and making small dietary changes. At this point, I was willing to try anything.
After listening to Dishing Up Nutrition for a while, I decided to take the Weight & Wellness Class Series and get one-on-one nutrition counseling with Katie. The classes provided me with the weekly reminder I needed to stay on track, and Katie was so supportive. If I wasn’t ready to make a change that Katie suggested, she would start slowly, but encourage me to make the changes because she knew how much better I’d feel. And she always had new ideas for me to try if I felt stuck.
Since taking that class more than one year ago and meeting with Katie, I’ve had several health improvements. I haven’t been sick with any infections or on any antibiotics! The inflammation in my body has gone down. My skin was always “upset” with hives and acne and was so sensitive to the touch. My face and fingers were puffy, too. After changing my eating, my face and fingers aren’t swollen any more. Acne, something that I’ve struggled with since I was teen, cleared along with the hives. I also noticed that my skin heals quickly now if I get a cut. The decreased inflammation was also noticeable in my joints. Walking up and down stairs was always painful for me. I thought the pain was attributed to my weight, but it was actually the foods I was eating.
My digestion has turned around completely. I used to be nervous about going out to eat and had to make sure there was a bathroom nearby because I’d get terrible diarrhea. Now, that’s never an issue for me! I also had to rely on a daily dose of Prilosec to relieve heartburn. I had to take it every night or I would get heartburn. Now, I never worry about it and haven’t had to take any medication to keep it at bay. Along with all of these amazing changes to my health, I lost 45 pounds*. I would still like to lose more weight, but that will come in time as I continue on my eating plan.
To stay on track with my eating, I took the Weight & Wellness Class Series again and then I decided to continue getting weekly support with the Nutrition 4 Weight Loss Program. The weekly classes have been so great for me to stick with my healthy eating plan, stay well and lose weight.
I believe so much in the power of nutrition. I am more effective in life. I have the energy to get things done with my two businesses. I can walk places and not be in pain. I’m not sick all the time. I have the energy to plan and cook. I recently got married, and my parents commented that I wouldn’t have been able to do all this planning when I was sick; they were right. Life was overwhelming before, now it’s great!
*Most people following the Nutrition 4 Weight Loss Program can expect to lose one pound or more per week, but because everyone is unique, individual results vary.